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※ 引述《Babbage (驕傲體現於健忘)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Babbage (驕傲體現於健忘)》之銘言: : : 噓 Yenchin:If the icons of evolution are supposed 04/07 22:18 : : → Yenchin:to be our best evidence for Darwin's 04/07 22:19 : : → Yenchin:theory, and all of them are false or 04/07 22:19 : : 噓 Yenchin:misleading, what does that tell us 04/07 22:20 : : → Yenchin:about the theory? 04/07 22:20 : : → Yenchin:Is it science, or myth? 04/07 22:21 : 哈哈 噓我耶 那我問你喔~ :P 噓你 犯法嗎? 噓你 就應該接受你的詢問嗎? : 閱讀測驗: : If the icons of evolution are supposed to be our best evidence : for Darwin's theory, and all of them are false or misleading, what : does that tell us about the theory? Is it science, or myth? If the faith of apotheosis is determined to be our best calibre of our profanity, but all of that is postulated, even abstruse, what does it tell us about our blasphemy? It is logics, or disturbance? 如果將 奉為神祇的信仰 被確定為 版上一堆褻瀆神的人 的基準度量(暗指這些人有大罪) 但 這信仰的全部是被假定的 甚至 偽裝成隱晦難懂的 這樣 這些人的褻瀆告訴了我們什麽? 是邏輯 或者對於 信仰的擁抱者 只是煩擾? (我翻譯我這段就好 翻出來只是要說 我不是亂寫的 = =) 注: 版上一堆褻瀆神的人 多是隱射以邏輯反論信徒論點的 而使用反差語法 繼續稱己為褻瀆 但是實際上 卻可能只是信徒心中的煩擾 而強化"信徒多不喜愛邏輯"的隱藏前提 進而嚴酷的譏諷 使用邏輯反論的信徒:"你還未夠班呢!!" : 題目一: What are false (or misleading) in Wells' assertion? ^^^ Your grammar is wrong!! : (a) the evolution (b) the icons of evolution. What is incorrect (or abstruse) in Jesus's proclamations? (a) his apotheosis (b) the logics behind our sacrilege. : 題目二: When one says something is a myth, what does he mean? Your English is so poor, what are you talking about? : (a) He means that it maybe true or false. may be, not maybe : (b) He means that it is false. When what an individual says is proclaimed to be a myth by himself, what does he mean? (a) He means that it may be authenticated or bogus. (b) He means that it is phoney. : 進階題目: : Does Wells say the evolution is false? Advanced Question: Is the sanctuary of Christianity built under delusions? : 提示: : 如果不知道myth的意思可以查字典。 Hint: 如果看不懂這篇文章中的許多字彙可以查字典 如果想用英文表達 請先將自己的英文寫作練好 再來嗆! 我修改部份 參考B大原文中 所使用不正確的連接詞 如: and ===> but 第一段 因為看到這麼爛的英文 實在想要嗆回去 所以第一次沒想太多 來個翻譯好了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 修改一下 B大所提出的拼字錯誤 以及其他 ※ 編輯: Spinie 來自: (04/12 17:16)