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※ 引述《Ricas (小寰)》之銘言: 我覺得不能這樣說, 今天他存活下來難道是因為他禱告的關係?? 所以其他人沒禱告就該死?? 一個慈愛的神會因為你沒禱告就不救你嗎?? 這世上有太多苦難, 太多的災害, 有天災也有人禍, 人無法完全不遭遇到困頓, 因為這就是自然的法則, 我不覺得禱告可以避免任何一絲一毫的問題與麻煩, 只有積極地面對問題, 才有可能解決它. : 今天看到的「只顧禱告導致空難機長判刑10年」那則新聞。雖然在 : 教會中聽到很多奇人異事,但親自處理危急的時候,禱告恐怕是不 : 被社會所接受,而會換得 8-10年不等得官司。 : 關鍵字: Tunisair crash : Praying Tunisair pilot sentenced 10 years after fatal plane : crash : Pilots who crashed ATR turbo-prop commercial airplane killing 16 passengers : go to jail. : New York, NY (JusticeNewsFlash.com)–As reported by Reuters on Wednesday, the : pilot and co-pilot, of Tunisair, were sentenced to 10 years in jail by a : court in Italy. The pilot, who chose to pray instead of implementing : emergency measures before crash landing an ATR turbo-prop plane, in the sea : of Sicily killing 16 passengers in 2005, was found guilty by Italy's court. : Aviation investigators determined a fuel gauge malfunction led to the : aviation disaster, but the pilot panicked and began praying rather than using : emergency landing procedures to land the plane in a nearby airport. The pilot : prayed out loud and crashed the plane into water off the coast of Sicily : killing 16 passengers and leaving the remaining survivors to swim for their : lives. : Five other employees for Tunitier, a subsidiary of Tunisair, were also found : guilty and sentenced to jail by the court for terms ranging from eight to : nine years. The seven accused were found guilty and will remain out of jail : while their lawyers appeal their verdicts. : JusticeNewsFlash.com news for New York aviation accident attorney. : http://www.justicenewsflash.com/2009/03/25/ : praying-tunisair-pilot-sentenced-10-years-fatal-plane- : crash_20090325958.html : 抱歉。我不會縮網址。 : 我覺得這是值得省思的。「凡呼求主名的,就必得救」(使徒行傳 2:21) : 在專業至上的時代裡,或許如果他不禱告,也冷靜處理的好的話;可以和 : Chesley B. Sullenberger 一樣獲得更多的掌聲。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
zeus1984:所以就是不是要我們盲目的信仰阿。 03/26 20:24
hsinchan:光有信卻不行動,就是死的信仰,就像聖經上 03/27 18:00
hsinchan:雅各書2:17說:信心若沒有行為就是死的. 03/27 18:05
hsinchan:這位機長或許對神要他做的行動充耳不聞.. 03/27 18:05
zeus1984:這是一種自取敗壞嗎? 03/27 21:36