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※ 引述《kockroach (假先知假使徒)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Geigemachen ()》之銘言: : : → TBOC:不過從修辭來看 學者認為非mark風格 06/04 00:13 : : 把用字統計列出來,就會發現馬可福音的用字風格本來就多變, : : 甚至別章比馬可福音長結尾16:9-20長結尾有更高頻率的不同用字風格, : : 你所指稱的"非mark風格"現象。 先問一個關於本標題問題,什麼是你認知的"Mark風格"?用什麼方法論處理? 這個標題處理的是馬可福音的希臘文修辭與風格問題。 以下處理你對我的文義過度解讀所造成的問題。 : 這種用字統計根本是故意誤導話題吧? 我把你要求的用字統計說明資料提出來, 稍後會證明你提出的思考方向並無法有效引導到"mark風格"的討論, 甚至是繞了一個大圈子回到我原來的結論。 當然我大致讀一讀馬可福音就認為沒你說的問題,有失周延, 不過我查了以後真的確認那些問題在長結尾根本不影響結論。 : 要用這種方法來驗證的話,那「老底嘉書」一定是保羅寫的了, 原來在討論"馬可風格",我並沒有加上對作者的推論, 只在討論文體間不同段落的特徵,你的回應所以很明顯對我的文義有過度解讀。 : 上面每個字都出現在保羅的書信裡面 =,= 你可以提供給我的希臘文版「老底嘉書」的全文嗎? 我找到的資料,這本書因為只有存留拉丁文版本抄本,沒有希臘文本, 耶柔米在四世紀的時候結論:大家都反對「老底嘉書」。 你似乎神通廣大,找到了神奇的東西,可以讓缺乏希臘文版的「老底嘉書」 跟希臘文的保羅書信作用字比較,還得到結論 "「老底嘉書」 上面每個字都出現在保羅的書信裡面" 可以讓我瞧瞧希臘文的「老底嘉書」嗎? 我找到的「老底嘉書」沒有希臘文版,有拉丁文版,下附英文譯文 http://www.textexcavation.com/epistlelaodiceans.html (全文見文末) : 在文本批判裡面,用字統計是被嚴格限制的 馬可福音長結尾特有的16個字,都是古典時期到Josephus時代就有語例的, 用字上並沒有"長結尾晚於馬可福音成書時間"的線索。 馬可福音長結尾特有的16個字: πορευομαι poreuomai ("go," three times, vv. 10, 12, 15) 西元前希臘古典作家到西元後都有語例,如Herodotus,Plato... Josephus http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=poreuomai&la=greek#lexicon http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/wordfreq?lang=greek&lookup=poreu%2Fw πενθεω pentheo ("mourn," v. 10) 西元前希臘古典作家到西元後都有語例,如Homer,Herodotus,Plato... Josephus,Plutarch http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=penqew&la=greek#lexicon http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/wordfreq?lang=greek&lookup=penqe%2Fw θεαομαιtheaomai ("see," twice, vv. 11, 14) 西元前希臘古典作家到西元後都有語例,如Homer,Herodotus,Polybius,Plato... Josephus http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=qeaomai&la=greek#lexicon http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/wordfreq?lang=greek&lookup=qea%2Fomai απιστεω apisteo("not believe, disbelieve," twice, vv. 11, 16) 西元前希臘古典作家到西元後都有語例,如 Herodotus,Aristotle,Strabo,Plutarch..Josephus http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=apistew&la=greek#lexicon http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/wordfreq?lang=greek&lookup=a%29piste%2Fw `ετεροs heteros ("another, different," v. 12) 西元前希臘古典作家到西元後都有語例,如Homer, Plato,Aristotle,Polybius,Strabo,Plutarch..Josephus http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=eteros&la=greek#lexicon http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/wordfreq?lang=greek&lookup=e%28%2Fteros μορφη morphe ("form," v. 12) 西元前希臘古典作家到西元後都有語例,Homer,Plato,Aristotle,Strabo..Josephus http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=morfh&la=greek#lexicon http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/wordfreq?lang=greek&lookup=morfh%2F `υστερον husteron ("afterward," v. 14) 西元前希臘古典作家到西元後都有語例,Homer,Plato,Aristotle,Strabo..Josephus http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=usteron&la=greek#lexicon http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/wordfreq?lang=greek&lookup=u%28%2Fsteron `ενδεκα endeka ("eleven," v. 14) 西元前希臘古典作家到西元後都有語例, Homer,Herodotus,Plato,Aristotle,Polybius,Plutarch,Strabo..Josephus 數量詞,意義明顯,沒有連結特別解釋,或是此時段內拼寫有差異的問題 http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/wordfreq?lang=greek&lookup=e%28%2Fndeka παρακολουθεω parakoloutheo ("follow, accompany," v. 17) 西元前希臘古典作家到西元後都有語例, Plato,Aristotle,Plutarch,Polybius,Strabo..Josephus http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=parakolouqew&la=greek#lexicon http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/wordfreq?lang=greek&lookup=parakolouqe%2Fw οφιs ophis ("serpent, snake," v. 18) 西元前希臘古典作家到西元後都有語例, Homer,Herodotus,Plato,Aristotle,Strabo..Josephus http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=ofis&la=greek#lexicon http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/wordfreq?lang=greek&lookup=o%29%2Ffis θανασιμοs thanasimos ("deadly," v. 18) 西元前希臘古典作家到西元後都有語例, Hippocrates,Plato,Polybius,Strabo..Josephus http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0057%3Aentry%3Dqana%2Fsimos http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/wordfreq?lang=greek&lookup=qana%2Fsimos βλαπτω blapto ("hurt, harm," v. 18) 西元前希臘古典作家到西元後都有語例, Homer,Herodotus,Hippocrates,Plato,Aristotle,Plutarch,Polybius,Strabo..Josephus http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/wordfreq?lang=greek&lookup=bla%2Fptw http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0057%3Aentry%3Dbla%2Fptw αναλαμβανω analambano ("receive up, take up," v. 19) 西元前希臘古典作家到西元後都有語例, Herodotus,Hippocrates,Plato,Aristotle,Plutarch,Polybius..Josephus http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=analambanw&la=greek#lexicon http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/wordfreq?lang=greek&lookup=a%29nalamba%2Fnw συνεργεω sunergeo ("work with," v. 20) 西元前希臘古典作家到西元後都有語例 Plato,Aristotle,Polybius,Strabo..Josephus http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=sunergew&la=greek#lexicon http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/wordfreq?lang=greek&lookup=sunerge%2Fw βεβαιοω bebaioo ("confirm," v. 20) 西元前希臘古典作家到西元後都有語例 Hippocrates,Plato,Aristotle,Plutarch,Polybius,Strabo..Josephus http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=bebaiow&la=greek#lexicon http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/wordfreq?lang=greek&lookup=bebaio%2Fw επακολουθεω epakoloutheo ("follow, attend," v. 10) 西元前希臘古典作家到西元後都有語例 Plato,Aristotle,Plutarch,Polybius,Strabo..Josephus http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=epakolouqew&la=greek#lexicon http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/wordfreq?lang=greek&lookup=e%29pakolouqe%2Fw : 1. 你要有其他證據證明這些單字或文法是從某個時代以後才被開始使用的 答案:馬可福音長結尾特有而其他部分馬可福音沒有的16個字,    都是從西元前的古典希臘文時期就常用的字。 : 2. 你要有證據證明這個單字是其他語言的借字 (loanword) 不是借字,古典希臘文時期就常用的希臘字,怎麼會在馬可福音成書時被當作借字? : 3. 你要有證據證明這個單字是其他文本的關鍵字,而且是這個文本決 : 少使用的單字 我的窮舉同時列舉了關鍵字與非關鍵字, 如同馬可福音其他段落各有某段落的關鍵字,馬可福音長結尾也有此段特有的關鍵字。 我原來的引述也有強調此點,某些字只在此段落出現,是因為那是那個"復活"段落 特別相關的希臘字,只在此處用此字並不代表這就一定不是馬可風格。 另外,原議題是討論"馬可福音長結尾"是否符合"馬可福音的寫作風格", 連帶討論了馬可的用字習慣,關鍵字與非關鍵字都討論才是完整的。 : 然後你才能證明這個文本「可能」是 : 1,2. 從某個時代以後才出現 答案: 否,從"用字"所屬的年代來看,馬可福音長結尾的用字並沒有提供這個線索 (引述與抄本比較有線索)。這是我對TBOC引述"長結尾非馬可風格"的反對意見 : 3. 可能受到另外一個文本的影響 答案: 這與"馬可風格"沒直接關係。 我們不如先查"另外一個文本"到底是是什麼文本呢? : 而且當中還要考慮到很多文學發展的狀況 這些事項我早就知道了,文學明顯有強烈滯古傾向,如果是後期做的, 常常會在用字與文法上留下線索。 : 像路加福音那種故意復古風格的書寫方法,難不成就證明他是亞理斯多德 : 時代的人? 名詞的 雙數dual number 與 複數plural 各有其字尾變化規則, 在Koine時期Attic希臘文的被併入複數。 路2:24,3:11,5:2,7:41..等十幾處語例,雙數已經被併入複數。 用字統計可以專門針對路加福音中常見的猶太式希臘文常見語首語εγενετο, 路加福音前三章的εγενετο至少有十幾處都是這種猶太腔。 祈願語氣optative mood 在Koine時期逐漸大部分被併入虛擬語氣subjunctive mood, 路加福音的optative雖然還有,但是比起subjnctive要少得多,也是線索。 很難想像有人會把 路加福音 當作 亞理斯多德時代的人做的。 : 像啟示錄那種混雜 koine 和 attica 文法的,到底是什麼時代的作品? 啟示錄 語彙與文法的"強烈猶太腔+不正規的希臘文"是新約聖經中排名第一的, 統計一下就知道,幾乎不會有這種疑問存在。 你好歹也是學過希臘文的人,甚至也都曾經跟希臘老師李亮學過, 你怎麼會拿這種用字統計明顯可以處理的問題,來反問用字統計,真是令我失望。 : 簡單來說,在沒有其他文本、抄本、考古證據可以比對的情況下,字數統 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 原討論脈落,就是討論了這些以後,TBOC回應說馬可福音16章長結尾 據學者說不符合馬可風格,我才回應 "馬可風格"議題, 你自己找個新的稻草人打,是何苦呢? 我也沒有說馬可福音長結尾問題只要處理是否內在矛盾就可以不必考慮 文本、抄本、考古證據, 是我跟TBOC討論完 文本、抄本 他又問了 馬可福音與長結尾的風格矛盾問題, 你做了過度解讀才造成這些問題。 : 計這個方法論根本就是錯的。跑個統計軟體根本什麼都不能證明。用字相用字統計解決 用字統計方法論還是有用的,啟示錄與路加福音這種文風差距很多的文體很明顯, 真正的錯誤在於"過度解讀"-不論是只看16章卻不看15章, 或是你自己舉例中,明顯地忽略了文法語法上的特徵 (事實上那連用字統計都還沒有開始,就說沒有用了) 原標題是討論"馬可風格的文本內在證據", 你的結論完全沒有提到怎麼鑑定馬可風格,也沒有提到什麼樣才是馬可風格。 除非你很有把握否定"馬可福音的風格有用字統計的線索",不然 這樣回應可能是文不對題。 : 像的情況,有時候反而更有可能是後人偽造的。 處理這個標題產生的稻草人真累,不過你先發的文先回,以後再回另一篇 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 我找到的「老底嘉書」沒有希臘文版,有拉丁文版,下附英文譯文 http://www.textexcavation.com/epistlelaodiceans.html The Latin epistle to the Laodiceans according to codex Fuldensis (century VI), using the edition by Ernst Ranke: 1. Paulus apostolus non ab hominibus neque per hominem sed per Ihesum Christum fratribus qui sunt Laodiciae. 2. gratia vobis et pax a deo patre et domino Ihesu Christo. 3. gratias ago Christo per omnem orationem meam quod permanentes estis in eo et perseverantes in operibus eius, promissum expectantes in diem iudicii; 4. neque destituant vos quorundam vaniloquia insinuantium ut vos evertant a veritate evangelii quod a me praedicatur. 5. et nunc faciet deus ut qui sunt ex me ad profectum veritatis evangelii deservientes et facientes benignitatem operumque salutis, vitae aeternae. 1. Paul, an apostle not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ, to the brethren who are at Laodicea. 2. Grace to you and peace from God the father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 3. I give thanks to Christ throughout all my praying that you are remaining in him and persevering in his works, expecting the promise in the day of judgment; 4. nor do the vain speeches of some, who creep in, set upon you so that they might turn you away from the truth of the gospel which is preached by me. 5. And now God will make it so that those who are from me will continue the work of salvation, eternal life. 6. Et nunc palam sunt vincula mea quae patior in Christo, quibus laetor et gaudeo, 7. et hoc mihi est ad salutem perpetuam, quod ipsum factum orationibus vestris, et administrantem spiritum sanctum, sive per vitam sive per mortem. 8. est enim mihi vere vita in Christo, et mori gaudium, 9. et in ipsum in vobis faciet misericordiam suam ut eandem dilectionem habeatis et sitis unianimes. 6. And now my bonds are public which I suffer in Christ, in which I am glad and rejoice, 7. and this is unto my perpetual salvation, which is itself done by your prayers, and the ministry of the holy spirit, whether through life or through death. 8. For to me truly there is life in Christ, and to die is joy, 9. and in him he will make his mercy in you so that you might have the same love and be one in soul. 10. Ergo, dilectissimi, ut audistis praesentia mei, ita retinete et facite in timore dei et erit vobis vita in aeternum. 11. est enim deus qui operatur in vos. 12. et facite sine retractu quaecumque facitis, 13. et quod est, dilectissimi, gaudete in Christo. et praecavete sordidos in lucro. 10. Therefore, beloved ones, as you heard in my presence, so keep on and do things in the fear of God, and there will be life in eternity for you. 11. For it is God who works in you. 12. And, whatever you do, do it without retraction. 13. And what is more, beloved ones, rejoice in Christ. And beware of those who are filthy in lucre. 14. Omnes sint petitiones vestrae palam aput deum, et estote firmi in sensu Christi. 15. et quae integra et vera et pudica et iusta et amabilia facite. 16. et quae audistis et accepistis in corde retinete, 17. et erit vobis pax. 14. Let all your petitions be public before God, and be firm in the understanding of Christ. 15. And do things which are whole and true and sober and just and to be loved. 16. And keep in heart the things which you heard and accepted, 17. and there will be peace for you. 18. Salutant vos sancti. 19. gratia domini Ihesu cum spiritu vestro, 20. et facite legi Colosensium vobis. 18. The saints salute you. 19. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with your spirit. 20. And make [the epistle] of the Colossians be read to you. -- ___ 6@_@9 4| |7 2 5 讓我先想一想...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Geigemachen 來自: (06/06 01:38) ※ 編輯: Geigemachen 來自: (06/06 03:55)