看板 Christianity 關於我們 聯絡資訊
不知道這個訊息po在這裡恰不洽當, 若打擾請見諒! ============================================================================= 各位台灣留學生及上班族好! 在這裡代表北維州台灣基督長老教會,來歡迎各位參與我們一年一度的迎新活動! 今年我們有好吃的剉冰,好玩的遊戲,好聽的音樂,以及在主內更豐盛的生命與你分享。 希望在這夏末秋初的日子裡,除了邀請你來享受美味的剉冰及故鄉小吃,並能來認識華府 一帶的新朋友,分享那在主耶穌內的愛,是如何溫暖我們的身心靈。 費用: 完全免費 J 時間: 2010 年9月11日 (六) 3:30 PM 報到 (West Falls Church metro接送) 3:30-4:30 PM 吃剉冰!! 4:30-6:00 PM詩歌、交誼、分享 6:30-8:00 PM 晚餐、經驗交流 地點: 北維州台灣基督長老教會 2036 Westmoreland Street, Falls Church, VA 22043 可搭乘Metro到West Falls Church站 (kiss & ride),3:30 PM起將有專車於捷運站接送 。 請點以下連結報名參加: http://tinyurl.com/A-Life-welcome-party Contact us: e-mail [email protected] | website http://ctpchurch.org/alife 豐盛團契 敬上 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings to all, I am writing to you on behalf of Abundant Life Fellowship of Chesterbrook Taiwanese Presbyterian Church to invite all students and young professionals in the Greater DC Metropolitan Area in joining our annual welcome event. Chesterbrook Taiwanese Presbyterian Church (CTPC) Annual Welcome Party It's a free event, all students and young professionals are welcome to join! When: 9/11/2010 (Saturday) at 3:30-8:20 PM Schedule: 3:30 PM Registration (Pick up from West Falls Church metro) 3:30-4:30 PM Shredded ice treats!! 4:30-6:00 PM Worship songs, small games 6:30-8:00 PM Dinner, sharing Where: 2036 Westmoreland Street, Falls Church, VA 22043 Metro: "West" Falls Church Station (right side exit) and shuttle pick up Please make an effort to RSVP at the following link: http://tinyurl.com/A-Life-welcome-party Contact us: e-mail [email protected] | website http://ctpchurch.org/alife Peace be with you! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: