看板 Christianity 關於我們 聯絡資訊
以下是我問我基督教朋友“釘在十字架上的死因是甚麼?”時他給我的回答: People died on the cross because the way in which their bodies were positioned on the cross made it so they couldn't breathe. That, and it was extremely painful to be hung up like that for so long. Other people died because of starvation or thirst, because prisoners were not fed while they were on the cross. All in all, it was a slow and agonizing way to die. Sometimes people didn't die quick enough, so the Roman soldiers would break their legs. That final jolt of pain was often too much and caused instant death. It's hard to believe people could be so cruel to one another. (看不懂英文的可以用GOOGLE翻譯作參考) 我想問有人有早就知道了嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
JMS1978:你想要討論哪部分???? 05/28 11:44
bc030021:我想問有人有別的答案嗎? 05/28 11:58
※ 編輯: bc030021 來自: (05/28 12:01)
JMS1978:其實你用 耶穌死因 估狗後的第一個連結 就有說明了 05/28 12:03
JMS1978:說法都大同小異 05/28 12:05
lefanfaron:這個資料網路上可以察的到,大概就是這樣 05/28 13:25
BGirlAlu:他沒有講得很詳細,不過大致上是這樣沒錯 05/28 14:04
JI1:答非所問 05/28 14:18
JI1:釘在十字架的死因是最重的刑罰,他跟你講的是釘十字架很痛苦 05/28 14:19
BGirlAlu:所以樓上認為死因是「最重的刑罰」---更答非所問 05/28 14:27
Pietro:消耗體力致死這樣 05/28 14:42
BGirlAlu:應該不是,是肺部無法呼吸 05/28 15:06
untilnow:肺死集團第一人 05/28 15:12
sneak: 其實你用 耶穌死因 估 https://muxiv.com 08/13 13:45