看板 Christianity 關於我們 聯絡資訊
國外雖然大部分是基督信仰的信徒 但是他們秉持著公正公開的新聞曝光 把教會不公不義的事情揭發出來 不像台灣基督信仰的人比較少 卻喜歡控制新聞媒體 一遇到牧師神父 性侵 A錢的事情就開始切割 裝做不知道 http://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/courts/circuit-court/priest-jailed-for-sex-abuse-in-boarding-school-1.2042616 A retired priest has been jailed for three years for sexually and indecently assaulting two teenage boys while teaching at a Cork boarding school. Fr Tadhg O’Dalaigh received a five year sentence with two years suspended for the sexual and indecent assault of two boys aged 14 and 16 in the 1970’s and early 1980’s. Last month, Fr O’Dalaigh, a member of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart was convicted of sexually assaulting a pupil at Coláiste An Chroí Naofa, Carrignavar, Co Cork, on an unknown date between March 1st and April 30th, 1979. The State alleged the incident took place in the school’s sick bay. He was found unanimously guilty by a jury of 10 men and two women. Fr O’Dalaigh (71) had previously pleaded guilty to five counts of indecent assault of another boy at the school between September 1st, 1982, and April 1st, 1983. During his trial, O’Dalaigh, of Woodview Mount Merrion Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin, said that he had abused 10 boys while teaching at the boarding school between 1969 and 1974 and again between 1977 and 1985. He said he had given the list of 10 names to his superiors in December 1995 after they confronted him in relation to rumours that he had abused boys at the school. At Cork Circuit Criminal Court yesterday, Judge Donagh McDonagh handed down a five-year sentence with two years suspended. The judge said O’Dalaigh had to be kept under a strict regime for the rest of his life to ensure no other child was exposed to risk. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Christianity/M.1420047554.A.E46.html
phdazure: 明明在台灣,基督教是弱勢,哪有什麼錢控制媒體啊? 01/01 01:47
phdazure: 可別忘了2013年底的同性婚姻平權運動在網路上被導向成 01/01 01:48
phdazure: 反基督教運動 01/01 01:48
Pietro: 不要因為中文報導很難找就說是被控制媒體 01/01 02:00
SmilingMan: 台灣基督教可以控制媒體的話,電視台就是媽祖開的了 01/01 02:13
traystien: 這種事都等到退休才公布實在可恨 01/01 03:19
traystien: 愛爾蘭天主教會這幾年把壓下的陳年舊案都公布、送給檢 01/01 03:20
traystien: 調司法機關去處置,才是教會該有的作法 01/01 03:20
traystien: 除了愛爾蘭之外,在前幾年還有澳洲、加拿大、美西 01/01 03:21
bluebrown: 幾時有反基督教運動了? 01/01 12:28
bluebrown: 是說新聞比較少,也有可能是因為信的人比較少。 01/01 12:32
teamax: 一樓真敢說 01/01 19:40