看板 Christianity 關於我們 聯絡資訊
timer000: indifference指的是"平心",07/17 01:35
timer000: 在我們教會更具體的講法就是凡事包容07/17 01:35
timer000: 凡事相信,凡事盼望,不判斷,事事感謝, 07/17 01:36
timer000: 事事歡樂,因為每件事都看到, 07/17 01:37
timer000: 神每一時每一刻都與我們同在,每件事都有美意 07/17 01:38
timer000: 現在的我,還沒這麼大的信心, 07/17 01:39
timer000: 這是日日祈禱,與主同行的果實07/17 01:39
timer000: 是聖神給我們的禮物,而非人可以靠自己達成07/17 01:40
timer000: 我們很重視,基督徒要先意識到自己是多麼罪惡,充滿判斷 07/17 01:41
timer000: 多麼做不到這些07/17 01:41
timer000: 並意識到,上帝有多愛我們,而他的恩典多麼強力07/17 01:42
timer000: 多麼的能化不可能為可能07/17 01:43
timer000: 而能意識到這些,也都是天主給我們的禮物07/17 01:45
您好 您可能弄混了Saint Ignatius of Loyola的兩個不同概念 一個是indifference 一個是discernment http://www.ignatianspirituality.com/ 這個應該是他的官網吧 點進去後首頁就有一篇 http://www.ignatianspirituality.com/24425/discernment-different-stages-life In the years of young adulthood, we face—sometimes quite suddenly—major decisions that can have great impact on the rest of life. Our discernment at this time has much to do with self-understanding. Am I a good fit to be in relationship with this person, or that one? Am I suited well to this kind of work/career or to something else? By this time, we should have right and wrong figured out for the most part. But what about our priorities? Do our daily choices and actions move us toward what we see as a life purpose? Into middle adulthood—by this I mean late 30s into the 50s—the discernment gets even trickier, because by now we likely have multiple and appropriate attachments. Many of us are in serious relationships, are parents, have begun careers or at least have established a steady working life. Much of our discernment involves figuring out how all these aspects of life are interacting and where corrections need to be made. We are discerning how to discipline and guide children and how to work through marital difficulties; at the same time, we are moving outward, trying to help others, to be people for others. We probably were helping others years ago, but it’s more complicated now that we have multiple obligations. 而這個更是我們會面對的問題 就是我們無從discern神的旨意 無從discern神的帶領 然後自己走上自己錯誤的道路 文章最後提出了幾個部分可以去discern Identifying patterns of thought or behavior that we need to face and change. Identifying deep and lasting wounds and learning how to seek healing and restoration. Choosing the best out of multiple good options. Dealing with unhealthy attachments; praying and working toward spiritual freedom. Discovering the best way to use our resources—gifts, money, time, and energy—to help the world. 但畢竟只是散文(類似每日讀經 每日祈禱 那種10分鐘解決的散文) 所以終究只有點到為止 至於如何去discern神的旨意 就沒有多做說明了 -- ※ 編輯: aun5780 (, 07/17/2017 09:30:52
pinjose: 這一篇不錯https://goo.gl/gxQ1Tm 第貳大段有實行 07/17 10:27
pinjose: 裡面有跟你類似的意思,可以求神把錯路堵起來! 07/17 10:28
pinjose: 初信造就共50篇,其實蠻不錯的,可以按主題找需要的 07/17 10:31
aun5780: 中午有認真看 真的是好方法!!! 07/17 13:09
aun5780: 原則一 聖經是否許可 07/17 13:09
aun5780: 原則二 聖經許可後 看環境配不配合 07/17 13:09
aun5780: 原則三 前面兩個都OK的話 要尋求聖靈裡的平安跟感動 07/17 13:10
aun5780: 我有找到這系列的根目錄 07/17 13:11
aun5780: 都是不錯的好文 感謝喔~~~ 07/17 13:11
aun5780: 而且這篇有個很重要的觀念 07/17 13:14
aun5780: -神的旨意只給那些立志遵行的人知道- 07/17 13:15
aun5780: 所以如果沒打算要遵行 07/17 13:15
aun5780: 那一定會變成憑感覺 07/17 13:16
pinjose: 初信造就在第三輯2,3,4冊 07/17 13:36
aun5780: 太好了 感謝喔~~~ 07/17 13:48
aun5780: 倪柝聲 總覺得這名字很耳熟 07/17 13:48
aun5780: 在美國基督教界似乎很有名 07/17 13:48
aun5780: Watchman Nee 07/17 13:49
aun5780: 看到NEE 不是NextEra Energy 就一定是倪柝聲 07/17 13:50
pinjose: 今時代神聖啟示的先見 - 倪柝聲 可以查這本書 07/17 14:07
pinjose: 有他詳細的介紹 07/17 14:07
pinjose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeSz8V-g-UE 紀念詩歌 07/17 14:10
aun5780: 看來是著名的華人基督徒領袖 07/17 14:28
timer000: 我有看PINJOSE轉貼的網址 07/20 00:47
timer000: 其中初信造就提到的分辨法則 07/20 00:48
timer000: 有好多和耶穌會的分辨法則相似的地方 07/20 00:48