看板 Club831 關於我們 聯絡資訊
DADDY Take a look at the mirror , is it me? Why is everything changing? I become not so perfect , daddy says ``You are such a loser boy…`` You said I used to be so great , get good grade , You said that it is my way.. You said it`s for my own good .I `m cofuse , I don`t wanna live like this… I don`t know where to go to , I lost my way to home But all I want is just to make you proud , And I know…I screw up…. Daddy I want you to know , I have my way , I have my dreams to come true. Please I want you to know , I won`t change , I am still a helpless child…. Want you to know Want you to know I`m still a helpless…. Want you to know Want you to know I`m still a helpless…. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: