看板 Cobras 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《IBIZA ()》之銘言: : : fastball 【棒】(投手投出的)快球 : : folk 指叉球 (感謝ncyc更正) : : slider 滑球 (感謝ncyc更正) : : curve 【棒】曲線球 : : changeup 變速球 : : cover cover就是...不會講 : : bunt 【棒】短打 : : pitch out 吊球 : : check swing 檢查有沒有出棒過半? : 這個不對 : check swing指的是試探揮擊 : 目的是在確認揮擊的軌跡 : 基本上check swing不一定要碰到球 : 不過轉播的時候會指明check swing的通常都是碰到球的情況 http://library.thinkquest.org/11902/cgi-bin/search.cgi?search_name=check%20swin g%0A A check-swing is when an umpire rules that a batter did not strike at a pitch e ven though the batter may have partially swung. There is no official definition in the rules of baseball that define a check-swing. Rather, it is entirely the decision of the umpire of whether or not a pitch was swung at. Generally, fact ors such as whether the bat passes the front of the plate or the batter pulls h is wrists back are considered in making this decision. : : foul 界外 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Cathay:我也查到這一頁,所以通常是指沒碰到球? 06/27
ncyc:cover應該是補位吧 06/27
ncyc:掩護也可,電影中不是常有cover me嗎XD 06/27
YouthSouth:cover me 口語一點就是"罩我" XD 06/27