看板 Coldplay 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.nownews.com/2009/11/04/91-2528559.htm 我才不信勒 這都是幻覺 嚇不倒我的 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD -- All that noise and all that sound All those places I got found And birds go flying at the speed of sound To show you how it all began Birds came flying from the underground If you could see it then you'd understand -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
nctuce99:新聞標題下的廣告...= = 11/05 06:25
FIONhou:標題下的廣告有夠諷刺 XDDDDD 11/06 12:59
theagal:以前聽他唱歌都會感覺很幸福 雖然不知道新聞是真的假的 但 11/07 18:46
theagal:今天聽起來感覺差好多... 11/07 18:46
jjunglewang:史傑克的文章當屁聽聽就好了 11/09 02:25
YdNic1412:"激嘴"是什麼...? 11/10 20:29
kaoruchan:我不信我不信 11/11 12:57
maydayyuhan:看到是使節客就不想收了=.=a 11/12 12:28
hikkiyo:三樓也太敏感了! 11/18 01:44
hikkiyo:我不懂這種發稿跟打網誌一樣的記者專業在哪 11/18 01:44
torasan:這就是人生= = 11/22 01:06