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海水逼上來了--我們怎麼面對? Sea Level Rise: Understanding, Expectation, and Mitigation 2007年,巴紐的卡特瑞島,整個被海水淹沒,是全球第一個因海平面上升而消失的島嶼 ;印度恆河三角洲已有兩座島嶼被淹沒,一萬多人被迫離家。 10年間,基隆附近海平面上升6公分;宜蘭梗枋上升3.6公分;高雄海域上升3.7公分。 藍色的海水節節上升,綠色的大地寸寸沉沒,「藍綠」危機超過你的想像。 海水逼上來了!海島台灣,我們能做什麼? The Carteret Islands in Papua New Guinea have disappeared. Two islands in India’s Sunderban Delta have been submerged; thousands of people had to be evacuated.. Sea level has risen along the coast of Taiwan; in 10 years, 6cm at Keelung, 3.6cm at Yilan, 3.7cm around Kaohsiung… The sea water keeps rising. What can we do about it? 講者 約翰.區奇 世界知名海洋學家,2009哥本哈根會議海平面上升議題主講人,任職於澳洲天氣 及氣候研究中心和南極氣候與生態系統合作研究中心。1994至1998年擔任國際科 學世界海洋環流實驗共同主持人;2006至2008年擔任世界氣候研究計劃主持人。 曾獲頒羅傑‧雷維爾獎(2006)、澳洲科學與工業研究組織研究成果獎(2006)、 尤里卡科學研究獎(2007)。 Speaker John Church A world-renowned oceanographer and the lead speaker in the sea level session at the Climate Change Congress in Copenhagen ,Dr.John Church currently works with the Australian Weather and Climate Research and the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre. He chaired the Joint Scientific Committee of the World Climate Research Programme from 2006 to 2008 and co-chaired the international Scientific Steering Group for the World Ocean Circulation Experiment from 1994 to 1998. Dr. Church was awarded the 2006 Roger Revelle Medal by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, the CSIRO Medal for Research Achievement in 2006 , and the 2007 Eureka Prize for Scientific Research. 台北場Taipei: 主持 李家維 《科學人》雜誌總編輯 Moderator Chia Wei Li Editor in Chief, Scientific American (Chinese Edition) 時間:2010年3月20日(六)下午2:00~4:00 地點:國家圖書館國際會議廳(台北市中山南路20號) Date & Time: Saturday, 20 March 2010 2:00- 4:00p.m. Venue: National Central Library Conference Hall (20 Chungshan S. Rd., Taipei) 全程英語 同步中譯 Lecture in English with simultaneous interpretation 敬請自備證件於現場換取口譯耳機,費用200 元,憑學生證,優待費用100元。 Earphones can be rented at the venue (General: $200NT, with Student ID: $100NT) 報名 Registration Tel 02-33224907 Fax 02-33224918 http://www.civictaipei.org -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: