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如何批判《台灣論》? -談《台灣論》與台灣後殖民研究的一些問題 萬毓澤 A Critical Survey of Taiwan Discourse and Postcolonial Studies in Taiwan by Yu-ze Wan 摘 要 小林善紀的《台灣論》引起軒然大波,至今未歇。除了歹戲拖棚 的統獨大戰外,該書還觸及了複雜的殖民、認同、現代性、歷史書寫 等問題,自是「後殖民研究」不該放棄的素材,但台灣近年來頗為流 行的後殖民研究者卻在一連串的論戰中不見芳蹤。本文將在評點《台 灣論》的過程中,一併討論台灣後殖民研究的隱憂,並期待社會運動 圈、知識界能從運動的、批判的角度來為後殖民研究的在地化工作奠 定基礎,不要平白放棄了這個論述的戰場。 本文的重點放在分析幾個《台灣論》爭議中一再出現的觀念,如 日本精神、現代化、慰安婦問題。我首先借用薩依德的分析架構,指 出《台灣論》與以往帝國主義論述之間的共謀及翻新之處,以將之定 位為日本右翼新帝國論述的一種。隨後我一方面檢視台灣知識份子對 「日本精神」的詮釋與挪用,一方面與小林善紀自己的觀點及「日本 學」作比較,以凸顯「日本精神」本身為一混亂而矛盾的意符,其作 用在於縫合出一套新帝國主義的意識型態。本文另一要點也許並不新 鮮,即針砭「殖民現代性」,帶進慰安婦的「底層人民」問題,批判 殖民主義∕國族主義菁英的歷史書寫,以期貫徹後殖民研究念茲在茲 的「去殖民」精神。 關鍵字:後殖民研究、東方主義、殖民現代性、底層人民、拉岡精神分析學 Abstract Kobayashi's Taiwan Discourse has aroused heated debates about colonization, modernity, identity, historiography, and of course, Taiwan independence/unification. In spite of the proliferation of postcolonial discourse in our academic circle, most of those who claim to do postcolonial studies have been absent from these debates. This paper, while reviewing Taiwan Discourse, proposes that the task of the localization of postcolonial discourse should be carried out in the light of radical social movements. The aim of this paper is also to interpret some controversial concepts Taiwan Discourse brought about, such as "Japanese spirit", Taiwan's modernization under Japanese rule, and "comfort women." Firstly Said's critique of Orientalism is of help to posit Taiwan Discourse as new imperial discourse of the Right. Then by comparing Taiwanese intellectuals' appropriation of "Japanese Spirit" with Kobayashi's own viewpoints and the traditional discourse on Japanese uniqueness, I argue that "Japanese Spirit" is no more than a signifier that sutures an imperial ideology. Finally, colonial modernity is scrutinized while introducing the issue of "comfort women" on the basis of subaltern studies. Keywords: postcolonial studies, Orientalism, colonial modernity, subaltern, Lacanian psychoanalysis. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: ppp-7-118.Hsichih-dial.pagic.ne