看板 Cross_Life 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Peking University and Qinghua University are top 2 in China. Although Beijing Technology University is not as good as Peking University, it still competivity. And the score to go to Peking University is higher at least 60 than the other. 發信人: [email protected] (瓶水色藍), 看板: asciiart 標 題: 黑紅配邊框 發信站: 淡江大學 BBS (Fri Nov 22 09:28:41 1996) 轉信站: Ptt!ntucsz.csie.ntu!netnews.ntu!linux2.tpml!UUserv.Net.tw!aidebbs!spri ████████████████ ╭──★───☆───★─╮ ☆ │ │ ☆ ╰─★───☆───★──╯ ████████████████ -- oooO ────────────── Oooo ( ( ) Oooo ☆如果妳是柔水☆ oooO ( ) )│ \ ( ( ) ) ★我便是那魚兒★ ( ( ) ) / │ \_) ) / ☆水裡可以無魚☆ \ ( (_/ │ (_/ ★魚卻離不開水★ \_) │ ╰──藍色水瓶の兄貴──聊天室の543──╯ ※ 來源:‧蛋捲廣場 bbs.tku.edu.tw‧[FROM:] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: