看板 DIABLO 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源 http://ppt.cc/GBvm 官網 Blog The Diablo® III: Reaper of Souls™ Friends and Family Beta is now underway! In the past, participants in this particular phase of public testing usually only include friends and relatives of Blizzard employees. With Reaper of Souls, however, we've decided to buck that trend and extend invites to valued media contacts and key members of the Blizzard community. We're also inviting 3,000 of our most active Diablo III players from around the world who've opted in for beta testing—something we've never done for any Friends and Family Beta test before! 除了員工朋友家庭外, 還會邀媒體及社群, 及3000名全球最活躍的玩家. Participants in the Reaper of Souls Friends and Family Beta are not required to abide by a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). As a result, you may see coverage in the form of articles, videos, streams, and forum posts appear over the next few weeks regarding various features and changes in the expansion. When reviewing this coverage, please keep in mind that the Friends and Family Beta is still an early glimpse at Reaper of Souls, which means that all content is subject to change before release. We also encourage you to be mindful of story spoilers, as the Friends and Family Beta includes the entire expansion, excluding the final boss fight. 不用簽NDA. Our Friends and Family Beta is just the first step of public testing, and by the end of the year we will be moving into Closed Beta. Since our Reaper of Souls Closed Beta test will also feature all content in the expansion (again, excluding the final boss fight), invitations will be extremely limited. However, we’ll continue handpicking community members to invite to the Closed Beta and bringing in additional players through opt-ins to ensure that all of our features like the Crusader, Mystic, and Adventure Mode get the testing they deserve. 第二步是年底前CB. If you’re interested in participating in the Reaper of Souls Closed Beta, please make sure you’ve opted-in for beta testing. You can do this by adjusting your Beta Profile Settings under the Account Management section of your Battle.net Account. Please note that opting in to the Reaper of Souls Closed Beta will not guarantee you access, but it will at least give you a chance at joining our beta test. 有興趣者可在Beta Profile裡打勾, 但不一定會被選上 (?). -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: DavisX 來自: (11/20 09:24)
Lemming :要抓的測試硬體程式有夠爛的 記憶體 顯卡記憶體 11/20 09:43
Lemming :硬碟空間資料全部抓錯.. 還不能修改 好弱 11/20 09:44
badbadboy :抽到了XD http://i.imgur.com/yvc6Fd4.png 11/20 10:07
yellowgolem :好想噓樓上啊XD! 11/20 10:11
DreamWCT :++++ 哥也有啊 11/20 10:15
toykilled :好想噓喔 羨慕O_Q 11/20 10:17
quen6788 :沒有GG 11/20 10:17
Sadim :sad 11/20 10:18
DreamWCT :http://imgur.com/nvYDPti 11/20 10:22
Sadim :一定要這麼過份嗎 QQ 11/20 10:26
Ffobeat :來直播樓~ 11/20 10:28
toykilled :太過分了O_Q 跪求實況 11/20 10:30
Korsechi :看外國實況 可以自己點MF 還不錯xd 11/20 10:32
stlo :看實況 直接掉尊爵!!!!! 11/20 10:41
stlo :聊天室一片驚呼 屯寶石的GG惹 11/20 10:42
j52k34 :我還以為我看錯了XDDD 11/20 10:42
Sadim :正常阿,我甚至覺得應該有極低的機率直接掉最高階寶 11/20 10:44
Sadim :石 11/20 10:44
Korsechi :http://i.imgur.com/iEczj2V.jpg 黃寶 11/20 10:44
Lemming :ROS拔下來要多少啊 11/20 10:45
stlo :附魔幻化全部都要新材料 11/20 10:54
bala73 :3000名活耀玩家 應該輪不到我... 11/20 11:12
cyp001 :怒噓 11/20 11:18
DavisX :寶石要崩盤了嗎 XDD 11/20 11:18
cyp001 :有實況連結嗎? 11/20 11:19
Sadim :巴哈等下有實況~~ 11/20 11:20
vortex1004 :實況在樓下 11/20 11:20
Sadim :或直接twitch首頁選D3肯定很多… 11/20 11:20
livewater :還好寶石只留一百多顆 11/20 11:20
Sadim :還好一大早就全脫手了XD 11/20 11:22
Lemming :現在要用的寶石不夠該不該入手啊 =_= ah還沒崩啊 11/20 11:25
radi035 :為啥不給我登入battle net.....機車 11/20 11:26
radi035 :晚上回家不知道還有沒有名額可以抽 11/20 11:26
Lemming :在這網站去登記的應該是抽年底前的CB 11/20 11:29
Lemming :沒收到應該沒了吧 11/20 11:29
livewater :剛剛看到資料,寶石往上新增4個等級 11/20 11:36
devilclot :沒收到 崩潰 11/20 13:14
Sadim :似乎還多了個新幣值?! 11/20 13:24
kimimskimi :封測有開放什麼功能啊? 應該沒有全部吧?! 11/20 13:58
Sadim :似乎是全功能,除了最終boss無法打之外 11/20 14:01
microsugar :新寶石好像都變成帳綁了 11/20 14:24
indium111 :直接掉尊爵XD,以後寶石得自己收集了,想買還沒得買 11/20 14:40
Lysine :AH寶石崩盤啦! 11/20 14:43
mico409 :應該不會再看到農寶石的閒聊文了吧? 11/20 14:55
microsugar :真的崩了嗎?晚上回去看一下價格 11/20 15:02
microsugar :如果沒崩的話,就繼續農了 11/20 15:03
IL2 :直接掉尊爵的話我要崩潰了XD 自己打一年多還打不出一 11/20 15:19
IL2 :顆璀璨星芒 乾脆把身上的寶石都拿去賣給NPC好了(暈) 11/20 15:20
microsugar :打不出來是指?沒錢合成或購買? 11/20 15:26
DavisX :<-沒錢合 也沒錢打鐵 屯了一大堆惡魔精華 -w- 11/20 15:27
hollowland :應該是指純撿地上的寶石 11/20 15:33
stlo :已經崩了 崩的理由有兩個 一是現在可以掉尊爵以上 11/20 15:34
stlo :最高到多少不確定 搞不好最高難度可以掉頂級 再來是 11/20 15:35
stlo :loot2.0主屬膨脹 就算掉落改了 身上插無暇去打寶 11/20 15:36
stlo :不用多久主屬都會比現在差滿尊爵高 11/20 15:36
IL2 :同hollowland大說的,我是自耕農 所有東西都是自己撿 11/20 15:39
microsugar :現在一顆璀璨綠寶多少?還在上班看不到.... 11/20 15:39
hollowland :只撿地上的寶石 光是要合出璀璨可能就要好幾個月 11/20 15:40
hollowland :在HC寶石只用撿的,記得到顛70~80才有璀璨可用... 11/20 15:42
hollowland :這是我當初的情況啦XD 做人太小氣不想買寶石 11/20 15:42
DavisX :可以改插Diamond加全抗啊 11/20 15:47
nerdy :QB大戶 11/20 15:47
hollowland :我的資產只是比一般人多一些而已QQ 跟W R 這些沒得比 11/20 15:48
nerdy :QB快來凱瑞我QAQ 11/20 15:53
hollowland :最近右手有點問題QQ 在手好一點前都只能用左手打 11/20 15:55
cyp001 :剛上HC看一下 寶石和奧書跌了不少 11/20 16:03
microsugar :那sc的不就砍掉一個位數了 11/20 16:07
stlo :sc目前都降到接近合成費用了.. 11/20 16:11
livewater :等晚上下班放學的人開電腦,還會有一波拋售潮 11/20 16:13
microsugar :難道要拼危機入世嗎? 11/20 16:24
hsingting :快拼 買愈多套愈多 11/20 16:26
microsugar :回想起以前寶石曾經崩盤過...,不知道會如何 11/20 16:27
microsugar :如果不是以前的崩盤,璀璨還真的是用不起 11/20 16:27
stlo :現在倒掉寶石也是賣錢 錢到資料片效用如何也還待觀察 11/20 16:45
winter40114 :最近沒時間玩了XD,反正不求好 11/20 17:19
farst :我朋友根本最近都沒玩 他怎算活要阿 11/20 18:03
Darius :寶石開始緩崩了~~~:P 11/20 19:04
kyo7300918 :前幾個禮拜才收了ㄧ堆綠寶哭哭 11/20 19:52