看板 DIABLO 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://us.diablo3.com/en/blog/23298649/patch-268-ptr-begins-26-1-31-2020 官方中文: https://tw.diablo3.com/zh/blog/23298649/patch-268-ptr-begins-26-1-31-2020 野蠻人 巫醫 秘術師有新套裝 ---- 一般 General Infernal Machines and Organs are now subject to vacuum pick-up 煉獄裝置與器官現在可以範圍拾取 Crafting plans from Bounty Caches are now guaranteed to drop unless all plans have been learned 懸賞任務現在必出鍛造圖紙 直到你都學會為止 賽季 Seasons A new Season Theme has been added for Season 20, the Season of the Forbidden Archives: For the duration of Season 20, all slots in Kanai's Cube will be able to select Legendary powers from Weapon, Armor, or Jewelry This means you could select three Armor powers, three Weapon powers, three Jewelery powers, or any other combination thereof across all categories Items are not self-additive or multiplicative (meaning, you cannot stack multiples of the same item's power) Once the Season has ended and characters roll over to Non-Season, players will have all currently active powers in their Kanai's Cube reset 賽季20主題是讓你卡奈魔方萃取的能力不再限定武器 護甲 珠寶 各一 可以自由組合 但不能堆疊 賽季結束後會重置 職業 Classes 聖教軍 Crusader 天堂之怒 Heaven's Fury The animation for the Fires of Heaven rune can no longer be cancelled early. 天火之光的動畫無法被提前取消了 物品 Items Developer's Note: With Patch 2.6.8, we're adding three(!) new class sets with similar goals to those we included in the previous patch. Each set was designed primarily with boosting long-requested skills and play styles we lifted directly from community feedback. Frenzy, Spirit Barrage, and Hydra were requests that offered a lot of opportunity for gameplay exploration, and we're looking forward to seeing what players do with these new tools at their disposal. Additional changes to associated supplemental Legendaries have been included to round out these builds. It is critical when providing feedback on these sets to include whether or not you were using the Season 20 buff during your testing; while feedback of any kind is welcome, we're especially interested in Non-Seasonal testing as that will better reflect the long-term performance of these sets. 三套新套裝 引導披肩- Mantle of Channeling The bonus granted by this item now occurs 1 second after channeling has begun 現在特效引導一秒後才會發動 野蠻人Barbarian 新套裝: 九十蠻夷 New Class Set: Horde of the Ninety Savages 2-Piece Bonus: Double the effectiveness of all Shouts. Feared Enemies take double damage. (2)件:所有戰吼效果加倍,被恐懼的敵人受到的傷害加倍 4-Piece Bonus: Each stack of Frenzy reduces damage taken by 5%. (4)件:每層狂亂可使野蠻人受到的傷害減少5% 6-Piece Bonus: Frenzy deals 1000% increased damage per stack. (6)件:每層狂亂可使野蠻人造成的傷害提高1000% 冠軍之證 Undisputed Champion Frenzy gains the effect of every rune and deals 300-400% increased damage. 狂亂獲得所有符文的效果 (只限野蠻人)並使野蠻人造成的傷害提高300-400% 戍衛之傑 Bastion's Revered Frenzy now stacks up to 10 times and hits an additional time per attack. Each additional hit will chain to any enemies within 15 yards and the damage is split between all affected enemies. 狂亂最多可堆疊 10 次,每次攻擊會造成一次額外攻擊, 此額外攻擊對15碼內的所有敵人有效,傷害會平均分配到所有敵人 巫醫Witch Doctor 新套裝:蒙杜奴古戰裝 New Class Set: Mundunugu's Regalia 2-Piece Bonus: Big Bad Voodoo now follows you and lasts twice as long. (2)件:大巫毒儀式現在會跟著你 而且持續時間變為兩倍 4-Piece Bonus: Gain 50% damage reduction for 30 seconds when you enter the Spirit Realm. (4)件:當你啟動精神領域類型技能期間 減少受到的傷害50% 持續30秒 6-Piece Bonus: Spirit Barrage deals increased damage equal to 50 times your Mana Regeneration per Second. (6)件:魂靈彈幕造成的傷害增加,程度相當於你每秒法力恢復的50倍 剃頭師 The Barber Instead of dealing direct damage, your Spirit Barrage now accumulates on the target. When you stop casting, it explodes dealing 400-500% of the accumulated damage to all enemies within 15 yards. 你的魂靈彈幕不再直接造成傷害,而是在目標身上持續累積,並在你停止施法時爆炸, 對 15 碼內的所有敵人造成[400%-500%]累積的傷害 (只限巫醫) 滅亡凝視 Gazing Demise Spirit Barrage gains the Phantasm rune. Each active Phantasm lasts twice as long, increases the damage of Spirit Barrage by 100-150%, and also increases the attack rate from Manitou spectres. Now always rolls with Critical Hit Chance instead of Life Per Second. 魂靈彈幕獲得幽魂魅影符文的效果。 每個幽靈存在時間變為兩倍 可使魂靈彈幕的傷害提高[100-150%] 凌空幽魂攻速增加 骰出的屬性從秒回生命變為暴擊 秘術師 Wizard 新套裝:堤豐罩衣 New Class Set: The Typhon's Veil 2-Piece Bonus: Double the duration of Hydras and increase the number of heads on multi-headed Hydras by two. (2)件: 多頭蛇的持續時間加倍 頭多兩顆 4-Piece Bonus: Damage taken is reduced by 8% for each Hydra head alive as long as there is one available. Each time you take damage, a Hydra heads dies. (4)件: 每一隻在場上存活的多頭蛇頭會使所受到的傷害減少8%, 每受到一次傷害會死一個頭 6-Piece Bonus: Hydras deal 1000% increased damage for each Hydra head alive. (6)件: 每一隻在場上存活的多頭蛇頭會使多頭蛇所造成的傷害提高1000% 蛇影爍光 Serpent's Sparker You may have one extra Hydra active at a time and they deal 450-600% increased damage. 你可以額外召喚一隻多頭蛇,多頭蛇所造成的傷害提高450-600% 執法官 The Magistrate Your Hydras now periodically casts Frost Nova and deal 450-600% increased damage. 多頭蛇會定期施放冰霜新星,所造成的傷害提高450-600% 蝕刻徽記 Etched Sigil The bonus granted by this item now occurs 1 second after channeling has begun. 特效現在要引導1秒後才會發動 絕命 Deathwish The bonus granted by this item now occurs 1 second after channeling has begun. 特效現在要引導1秒後才會發動 Bugs Several issues with adding/removing players to group and starting new games as a group have been resolved 修復數個小隊新增移除成員的問題 克里森船長的飾衣 Captain Crimson's Trimmings Fixed an issue where the set bonus did not increase damage reduction when using Devour - Voracious 修正死靈使用吞噬 - 如飢似渴時 套裝特效不會正確減傷的問題 聖教軍 Crusader Corrected the spelling of “Imperius” on the flavor text for several pieces of the Aegis of Valor set Imperius 拼錯字 XDD Fixed an issue where the bolts cast by Fist of the Heavens - Divine Well failed to zap enemies 修正天堂之拳發出的閃電電不到敵人的問題 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DIABLO/M.1580503210.A.231.html ※ 編輯: Jotarun ( 美國), 02/01/2020 06:34:53
outzumin : frenzy套 1000% 有搞頭嗎? 02/01 06:40
sarevork : BZ:我們知道獵人死靈比較低 所以最後改 感激吧 02/01 06:48
ddkksje : 團隊趕不出DH跟死40的新套吧?(自我安慰)這季pass 02/01 07:56
ayler88 : 跌破眼鏡 以為獵人與死靈會在這季出 02/01 08:00
ayler88 : 蠻子才剛被buff,這季又再... 02/01 08:00
foreverkn : 給你猜到還叫BZ嗎? 02/01 08:56
genelin : 只好繼續火多重送貨了...... 02/01 09:42
thanklala : 我大秘術以為最後才有新套裝 結果S20就要上?! 新套 02/01 11:04
thanklala : 裝Typhon's Veil 以為是風套 結果是蛇套 BZ我真猜不 02/01 11:05
thanklala : 透你啊... 電蛇套or冰蛇套可能有搞頭?! 02/01 11:07
Hail Hydra
thanklala : 引導特效被改 看樣子奧隕可能被砍惹 O_Q... 02/01 11:20
ayler88 : 推進度的大概會變成巫醫了 02/01 11:28
mistsea : 獵人可以多帶一個災虐,感覺不錯 02/01 11:30
foreverkn : 不是已經有風套了嗎? 02/01 11:40
colonyone : 引導風不知道還能不能玩... 02/01 12:15
hitsukix : 蛇套都出來了,把DH的塔套改強吧 02/01 12:29
LordOfCS : BZ當初不是很討厭獵人自動哨衛嗎?結果現在又來一 02/01 12:35
LordOfCS : 個弱化版的?雖然BZ經常打自己臉不意外就是了 02/01 12:35
hahahaha5566: 喔喔喔是抽蓄流巴巴人 02/01 13:06
foreverkn : 倉庫空間嚴重不足了 02/01 13:21
tony77731 : 魔方可以一次帶3種免疫項鍊了 好像很有趣 02/01 13:29
mistsea : 再戴上黑GG,嗯嗯...然後可以幹嘛? 02/01 14:33
emptylife3 : 自動哨衛的問題在於直接免除能量消耗的問題 而不是 02/01 14:36
emptylife3 : 自動有問題 02/01 14:36
kof010485 : 太棒了白熱野人必玩,蛇套也很吸引人 02/01 16:51
Kulan : 竟然是狂亂套裝... 02/01 17:17
x9s2003 : 回鍋玩家請問:代表這賽季19要結束了嗎?? 02/01 17:18
h59950409 : 巫醫的「進入精神領域」是什麼意思呀? 02/01 18:11
sifone7251 : 樓上,其實就使用"靈行"這招而已 02/01 18:14
不是 是整個技能分頁 底下有: 蝕魂術 恐懼 靈行術 靈魂收割 靈魂彈幕
emptylife3 : PTR開了大概就是賽季尾聲了 02/01 20:04
linbasohigh : 不朽王終於後繼有人了QQ 02/01 20:35
aa0968 : 齁齁齁 越來越有趣了 希望這次WD能翻身 02/01 21:39
felaray : 居然有新套裝 02/01 23:33
MotoDawn : 87 你色碼有一段編輯到變怪怪的惹= = 02/02 03:49
上錯色 爐石玩多了都會色盲 ※ 編輯: Jotarun ( 美國), 02/02/2020 04:40:56 ※ 編輯: Jotarun ( 美國), 02/02/2020 04:43:43
skywgu : 輔僧穿黑gg、岩石手,剩4種元素戴一萃3可以坦全部 02/02 15:41
skywgu : 元素傷害耶...=_= 02/02 15:41
kohinata : 多頭蛇用不到巨集 官方竟然肯推???? 02/02 16:27
emptylife3 : 純坦度本來問題就不大吧 問題在於不死的狀況下撐出 02/02 17:13
emptylife3 : 傷害 撐出輔助 02/02 17:13
darkseer : 推一下,話說套裝2件蛇的頭應該是3->5 不是加倍? 02/03 03:32
Jotarun : 真的耶 晚點改 02/03 09:16
※ 編輯: Jotarun ( 美國), 02/03/2020 11:04:07
cystal : 超愛法師蛇杖 要復活惹 02/03 20:03
SunnyDale : 獎勵有翅膀或寵物嗎好期待 02/04 06:24
hitsukix : 可以回鍋打新裝了 02/04 11:22
deniro : 喜歡蛇套+1,希望新套裝能制霸久一點 02/04 14:24
neofish : Time to return seasons,來拿寵物了 02/04 15:23
israelii : 賽季尾聲了,我還沒解完守護者,要趕進度了 02/05 16:34
felaray : 這版本有動力!! 02/05 20:11
※ 編輯: Jotarun ( 美國), 02/06/2020 01:54:35 ※ 編輯: Jotarun ( 美國), 02/06/2020 01:56:18
MotoDawn : 凌晨2點開始 估計請假 一起開荒的++ 02/06 17:18
octboy1978 : 以PTR的倍數不用等人一起開荒吧~~ 02/06 23:48
MotoDawn : 我想10分鐘上70 QQ 02/06 23:55
aa0968 : PTR open! 02/07 02:02