看板 DSLR 關於我們 聯絡資訊
While appreciating your interest, we are not thinking of updating the firmware with that function for OM-D E-M5 at present. However, we are constantly making efforts to improve our products. Your opinion will be passed on to our department concerned as voice of the customer for our future reference. Thank you for taking time to write us. We are looking forward to having your continued support. 簡譯:目前沒有考慮將這些新功能透過韌體更新放進E-M5 ,    但不排除未來有這個可能性。 個人譯:你當我傻啦!?當然先噱一票再來更新舊機啊!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
cywangtw1990:說好的峰值對焦跟iso100呢 05/11 19:00
tttp:1請問客服信箱是哪一個呢? 05/11 19:39
http://tinyurl.com/crq36ba 這邊可以留言 , 回覆訊息速度蠻快的 , 至少不會到答非所問啦XD
tyf99:e-pl5 都不肯更新成 e-pl6 了,何況 e-m5 05/11 20:21
lef1986:罐頭回文,搞不好有範本了只改機型而已 05/11 20:28
trappings:EM5有機會降價嗎? XD 05/11 21:05
※ 編輯: mark80219 來自: (05/11 21:14)
hitsukix:有機會啊 05/13 01:03
computeer:人只要活著,就有機會! 05/13 09:56