看板 Datong 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《Imart (天和地都消失了)》之銘言: : ID:Mister Dave : 性別:Male : 生日:January 28th 1985 : 身高、體重:6'3" 155 lbs. : 住家:Near Confucious Temple : 國小: 1.日新國小 2.蓬萊國小 3.雙蓮國小 4.太平國小 5.永樂國小 : 6.大同國小 7.延平國小 8.大橋國小 9.明倫國小 10.大龍國小 : 11.其他: (擇一填寫) : 國中: 1.忠孝國中 2.建成國中 3.民權國中 4.蘭州國中 5.靜修女中(國中部) : 6.成淵高中(國中部) 7.重慶國中 8.其他:? (則一填寫) : 高中職、五專: : 大學、技術學院:University of Maryland, USA (厲害....這間可是世界前百大喔) : 研究所: : MSN&E-mail:[email protected] : 沒有相簿沒有真相: : 喜歡大同區的原因: : 住大同區的感覺: I feel good living in DaLong, it is a unique cultural : experience and also very convenient with lots of Taiwanese food options : as well as a plenitude of Tea Bars.There are also a lot of crazy old peole : hanging out in the streets and parks and some of them seem really freindly : but some have a crazy look in their eyes and I am fearful they might run over : a stray dog on their motorcycle. 我喜歡住在大龍峒 獨特的文化感受而且又有十分方便 不但有很多台灣料理還有很多紅茶攤 也有很多奇怪老人住在街頭跟公園 有些看起來很友善 有些卻對我投以異樣眼光 還滿害怕他們會駕車輾死流浪狗的 : I hope to introduce you to the life of a foreigner in : your wonderful neighborhood. Im a vegetarian so I enjoy : dining at the Vegetarian Buffet at the Dalong nightmarket. I also enjoy the : Egg and Cheese Sandwiches at the breakfast bar in the abovementioned : nightmarket. I like living here becuase the area seems more genuine and : authentic and cultural, and quiet. I used to live in DaHu and there : were a lot of kids running about at 4 AM making lots of noise and : keeping me from sleep! It seems this area is populated by an older crowd. : My girlfriend also lives in the area and she said I should be sure to mention : the "black tea" house. I like riding my bike and yoga. I have been in Taiwan : a year teaching english and also studying Chinese. I plan to be here for : another year, before I go back to my country, USA! 我希望可以在街彷鄰居中介紹給你們外國人的生活 我是個素食者 所以我喜歡在大龍市場素食自助餐店吃晚餐 我也常在大龍市場吃蛋跟起司三明治之類的早餐 我喜歡住在這裡因為這個地區的真誠,純真,文化氣息,跟寂靜 我以前住在大湖 早上四點就常常被鄰居的小孩吵得睡不著 這邊似乎很多老人群 我的女友也住在這裡 她說我一定要提紅茶屋 我喜歡騎車跟做瑜珈 我已經在台灣教英文學中文一年了 在我回我的祖國美國之前 我計畫下一年也在住這 PS.第一次翻譯....如有不週之處請多包涵... This is first time for me to translate the essay from English into Chinese. Please not mind that it is not translated fluently. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
mmmnong:推~給你拍拍手 09/21 00:39
axd829x:推! 09/21 08:27
kobe874741:好厲害!!!! 09/21 09:34
thjyrsj:拍手!!!!!! 09/21 13:23
tsao0104:拍手~~~~ 09/21 19:07
cooc1082600:恩恩~不錯喔!!呵呵~ 09/22 00:36
codcape:This is the first time for me to translate an English 09/22 01:05
codcape:essay into Chinese. 09/22 01:06
snoopy6713:專業 09/22 15:00
※ 編輯: toast520520 來自: (09/22 23:08)
smigal:他應該是說在大龍夜市(nightmarket)素食自助餐吃晚餐吧 09/24 00:12