看板 DepecheMode 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. LOVE COMES QUICKLY "Sooner or later, this happens to everyone, to everyone." 我想這首打頭陣應該大家都會同意吧?XD 2. IT MUST BE OBVIOUS "When they look at us, it must be obvious." 3. IT ALWAYS COMES AS A SURPRISE Neil曾經在官方站建議某pethead用這首歌當告白/初戀歌曲。還真的蠻合適的。 Bilingual最推薦。:) 4. LIBERATION "All the way back home at midnight, you're sleeping on my shoulder." 私以為跟上面的 Surprise 並列PSB最浪漫的ballad; 可惜這首live演出效果會大打折扣,只能在家裡聽 Q_Q And, true love should be a LIBERATION. Good word. Very最推薦。:) 5. I'M NOT SCARED "Where do we have to be so I can laugh and you'll be free? I'd go anywhere, baby, I'not scared." 也許這首不算是ballad,但因為有上面兩句,這首就自動入圍了。XD 6. JEALOUSY "Where've you been? Who've you seen? You didn't phone when you said you would Do you lie? Do you try to keep in touch? You know you could I've tried to see your point of view, but could not hear or see for jealousy. I never knew, 'til I met you." 7. DO I HAVE TO? "Do I have to? Don't say - Do I need to love you?" 8. YOU ONLY TELL YOU LOVE ME WHEN YOU DRUNK "What's the meaning when you speak with so much feeling? Is it over when you're sober? You only tell you love when you drunk." 9. SOME SPECULATION "What's your game?" "Going away with someone new, yesterday I went there too." 加上Neil有史以來最eerie的聲音...果然有山雨欲來風滿樓的氣氛。 這首其實不是ballad;it's just one possible scenario of love. 10.I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT BUT I CAN'T GIVE IT ANYMORE "You are breaking my heart." 其實歌名+上面那句就夠令人傷神了。 和 Drunk 並列Nightlife唯二推薦。(Radiophonic再算半個好了XD) 還有,歌名的"it"到底指什麼? It can be lots of things... 11.THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM "Baby, baby, did I ever tell you that I worked out where I went wrong?" 雖然有人說這首歌nothing related to love (AIDS), 因為上面這句(似乎特別用在某些場合XD)我還是讓它入圍了。 12.DECADENCE (original version) "Stop this caprice, You've got to cease this fin-de-siecle pretence." Wilde在這裡出現的真好阿;配上小瑪爾的吉他聲更會讓人想起Smiths當年風采。:) (可惜有Neil的假音.. -_-) 13.PANINARO '95 "Now you've gone, I'm all alone My heart is broken and I don't wanna go home You know it's all over, you're out of luck You feel so low you wanna self-destruct I needed you and you loved me too but now I don't know what I'm gonna do But life moves on, I'm talking history and now I've got tofind someone who'll dance with me" 說真的,要是沒有上面這段rap我會選原版的Paninaro。 Chris花了幾星期果然值得,把世界在眼前崩毀的心情都寫出來了, and speaking yourself too. 好樣的。 14.HIT AND MISS "Now if your heart is cold, and I seem too old just think back to the first time we were in love, so in love." 剛開始聽reissue Bilingual的時候這首一定會被我跳過。 *羞* 有一天忘了按jump,結果就... Bilingual disc2最推薦。 15.YOU CHOOSE "Choosing to love is risking a lot and trying to change, and to give all you've got But don't pretend it comes out of the blue You take a chance and see it through." 這真的是要等一切事過境遷雲淡風清以後才說的出來阿。 不要說是因為寂寞因為偶然或是其他, 會不會開始或持續下去,最後的選擇權都在自己。 You don't fall in love by chance; you choose. Release最推薦。 -- How can you expect to be taken seriously? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: