看板 DigiCurrency 關於我們 聯絡資訊
新聞來源連結: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-24/china-deems-all-crypto-related-transactions-illegal-in-crackdown 新聞本文: China Deems All Crypto-Related Transactions Illegal in Crackdown Bloomberg News 2021年9月24日 18:40 JST China’s central bank said all cryptocurrency-related transactions are illegal and must be banned, sending the strongest signal yet on its determination to crack down on the industry. All crypto currencies, including bitcoin and tether, are not fiat currency and cannot be circulated on the market, the People’s Bank of China said on its website. All crypto-related transactions, including services provided by offshore exchanges to domestic residents, are illicit financial activities, the PBOC said in the statement. Bitcoin dropped as much as 4.5% on Friday. Ether also tumbled, along with other crypto-related stocks. Meanwhile, the nation’s economic planning agency said it is an urgent task for China to root out crypto mining and the crackdown is important to meet carbon goals. 評論: 共慘的鐮刀 收割韭菜效率高 有幣賣幣 沒幣賣臟器 真是太開心了 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1632478661.A.E0A.html
leechiungyi: 別這樣 ,板上不是有一派說要政府監督才會進步嗎X 09/24 18:48
leechiungyi: DDDDD 09/24 18:48
Akitsukineko: 韭菜都被當眾拔光展示 蠻進步的呀 09/24 18:52
DarkerDuck: 這次應該禁乾淨了吧,願意做奴隸的人們~~~躺下 09/24 19:41
DarkerDuck: 不過說實在加密貨幣發展到現在抵抗政府的力道根本沒 09/24 19:44
DarkerDuck: 發展起來,早期Bitcoiner很堅持加密貨幣和實體經濟 09/24 19:44
DarkerDuck: 要互相結合共生,因為當加密貨幣經濟代表實體經濟 09/24 19:44
DarkerDuck: 任何一個理性的政府都不會隨便亂打了 09/24 19:44
DarkerDuck: 現在幣圈這種炒空氣狀態,任何一個政府看不爽關掉就好 09/24 19:45
DarkerDuck: 反正大部分的韭菜還傻傻地幣都丟交易所 09/24 19:46
DarkerDuck: 把交易所抄掉就差不多死光了 09/24 19:46
Akitsukineko: 不過這也表示這場戰還長 我們還有機會? 09/24 20:00
npcompletii: 就該熊市了 現在拉上去大家賺錢不可能,現在砸下去 09/24 21:30
npcompletii: 讓韭菜谷底割肉 一年兩年後再起 幣圈就是這樣割韭 09/24 21:30
npcompletii: 菜的遊戲 09/24 21:30
illidan9999: BCH十年內要完整結合實體經濟也是很拼... 09/25 00:00
Akitsukineko: Covid持續十年直接破壞實體經濟就簡單了(? 09/25 01:32
john371911: 而且我怕它不知道還有幾個四年…… 09/25 02:40