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※ 引述《lucile73 ()》之銘言: : Albert Einstein Award : The Albert Einstein Award is an award in theoretical physics, that was : established to recognize high achievement in the natural sciences. It was : endowed by the Lewis and Rosa Strauss Memorial Fund in honor of Albert : Einstein's 70th birthday. It was first awarded in 1951 and included a prize : money of $15,000.[1][2] The winner is selected by a committee of the : Institute for Advanced Study, which administers the award.[2] Lewis L. : Strauss used to be one of the trustees of the institute.[3] The prize money : was later reduced to $5,000.[4][5] : This award should not be confused with many others named after the famous : physicist, such as the Albert Einstein World Award of Science given by the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 你把這兩個獎搞混了... 在 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein_World_Award_of_Science 上才有寫 Dr. Myron Wentz 是 2007 年的得獎人 不過, 不知道是不是還沒有更新 官方網站 http://www.consejoculturalmundial.org/winners/index.php 在這上面找不到 2007 年的得獎人名單 更別說是 Dr. Myron Wentz 的名字 基本上 wikipedia 是自由編輯的東西 所以可信度是要被質疑的 至少目前官方網站上還沒更新... 所以我對這個消息是抱懷疑的態度 : World Cultural Council (since 1984), the Albert Einstein Medal given by the : Albert Einstein Society (since 1979), nor with the Hans Albert Einstein : Award, named after his son and given by the American Society of Civil : Engineers (since 1988).[6] It was established much earlier than these, when : Einstein was still alive and was a professor at the Institute for Advanced : Study. It has been called "the highest of its kind in the United States" by : The New York Times.[7] : 查不到可以換一種語言查嘛...... : wiki要有人寫才查的到阿 = =" : 如果有查錯請跟我說 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein_Award -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lucile73:謝謝提醒 :) 09/29 14:06