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※ 引述《Windcastle (tt)》之銘言: : 劇情之雷 : ※ 引述《samwise (switchfoot)》之銘言: : : Bree的那一幕真是讓人心痛 :( : : George動的手腳到底會不會被發現? : : 突發奇想一下,如果第二季的開頭是大家來Rex的喪禮,然後Rex開始做旁白會怎樣 XDDD : 這個構想很棒!! 只是不太符合"Housewives"的主題啦 : 話說我一直在想 Rex真的死了嗎?? pardon me for using English, cant type Chinese right now :~ I think Rex really died, cuz Steven Culp (Rex) was on "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno" last night, and they talked about the death of Rex. The funny thing is, the roles Steven played always died in season finale :p His characters in JAG and Star Trek:Enterprise were even killed in the same week. (He said, "it's becoming a career!" ) He will play a role in West Wing next season. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Morissett:That's hilarious. XD 05/25
ulala:career XDDDDDDD 05/25
Windcastle:推一個career...ha 05/25