看板 EAseries 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《wowowg (DCT)》之銘言: : 我們是以中文為母語,連中文都很難搞清楚了, : 英文當然更難呀。 : 光是 "慾望" 這兩個字的中文意思,就已經代表很多含意。 : 慾望 有時候是有好色的含意,有時候沒有。 : 然後"慾望"跟"渴望" 這兩個很類似的詞, : 解釋的意思有是有時候很相近,有時候不一樣。 : 我們自己中語系的國看,看自己中文 自己都搞不清楚了,討論英文更難。 : 並沒有絕對對錯。 為了避免讓慾望師奶不要變成絕命師奶, 到底是無望還是渴望異性,看看下面美國的俗用法, 還是不要讓一些無辜的人被誤導吧,這真的是一個雙關語。 英文程度好的人,真的不多。 And that’s how many women over forty still feel about themselves in this great country of ours. How could this be? Unfortunately for quite some time both our youth obsessed media and society have viewed single women over forty (as well as women over forty in general) as less than desirable, and have therefore acted as if they barely exist, and if they do, well, they’re desperate. ^^^^^^^^^ I’ve also found that far more men than women are caught in a time warp, hung up on the era of their youth. Personally I put the eighties behind me a long time ago, but not so with many of my male peers – both in dress and taste the eighties are still alive and well and not just for a music night. Think about it, isn’t that a bit desperate? Living in the past will freeze you in ^^^^^^^^^^ the past, and age you before your time. Which brings up another good point. In all honesty, some of the younger women who’ve been turning your head may not be as young as you think after all. Women in their late thirties and up, who’ve kept fit and fashionable, who know they stack up well against both their male and female peers, have simply taken to lying about their age both in person and online in a desperate ^^^^^^^^^ attempt to get a fair chance at the sort of men they desire to date. Are Desperate Housewives Really That Desperate? http://www.seductioninsider.com/articles/desperate_housewives.html -- http://www.wretch.cc/blog/callar 默默的旅行 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: saiholmes 來自: (07/02 22:09)
Lovetech:解釋就解釋 英文程度不是看一個字來決定 OK?! 07/03
Lovetech:難怪板友們會覺得遇到兵 路過看了都覺得無奈 07/03
ariachiang:有權決定中視想怎樣取名再說吧...我則是看到 07/04
ariachiang:[師奶]兩個字就已經夠絕望了.... 07/04
ariachiang:發覺偏偏日文成語的[欲求不滿]比較契合也說不 07/04
ariachiang:也說不定... 07/04
saiholmes:這是一個常見的用法OK? 07/04
saiholmes:Lovetech:你最好再查一下秀才遇到兵的典故? 07/05
saiholmes:別中文也弄不清楚。 07/05
firth:你真的很番 = = 還有我不是澳洲人 謝謝 07/05
※ 編輯: saiholmes 來自: (07/05 01:01)
saiholmes:firth:你這是人身攻擊吧?果然是遇到一群.... 07/05
saiholmes:真是夠沒水準的。 07/05
Lovetech:XD 07/05
babymilkiss:不好意思,我沒水準,所以按2。 08/25 18:44