看板 EAseries 關於我們 聯絡資訊
New Season Follows King Henry as He Weds Jane Seymour and Anne of Cleves LOS ANGELES, CA - (April 23, 200 - As episode five of THE TUDORS' second season debuts this coming Sunday on SHOWTIME, the network is ramping up for a third season of palace intrigue and royal drama, premiering in 2009. Production is slated to begin on June 16th in Dublin, Ireland with series star Jonathan Rhys Meyers set to return. THE TUDORS took SHOWTIME subscribers and the media by storm when it premiered in April 2006, generating record viewership and critical acclaim. Last year, both the series and Rhys Meyers earned Golden GlobeR nominations. And, season one of THE TUDORS is currently one of CBS Home Entertainment's top-selling titles. "THE TUDORS is now a fixture for us at SHOWTIME and we're on our way to completing the entire saga of all six wives of Henry VIII," says SHOWTIME President of Entertainment Robert Greenblatt. "We are enormously proud of this show, the extraordinary cast, and the production team that recreates the grandeur of the Renaissance year in and year out. There is nothing like this anywhere on American television." Viewers and critics alike have been enthralled watching the storied exploits of the sexy, hard-bodied King Henry VIII (Rhys Meyers) as he weds Anne Boleyn (Natalie Dormer) while working to declare his marriage invalid to Queen Katherine (Maria Doyle Kennedy). This prompts Pope Paul III (Peter O'Toole) to have him excommunicated -- a fall-out that changed the course of history. Anne's failure to deliver a male heir sets the wheels in motion for her beheading, and sends Henry straight into the arms of yet another prospect - Jane Seymour (Anita Briem), who dies from an infection after finally giving him his coveted male heir. 第三季劇情會著重在亨利八世第三任老婆 Anne Boleyn的侍女珍˙西摩爾 以及第四任太太Anne of Cleves 不知道第四任太太會不會改成由美女來演 因為據說她相貌並不出眾 是靠畫像來吊中國王的胃口 第2季步調突然變好快阿~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
malien:該不會要一直演到第六任...... 04/30 02:26
ncyc:搞不好演到瑪莉一世時期喔 04/30 07:05
widec: 該不會要一直演到伊莉莎白上任.... 04/30 08:49
widec: 老實說我沒有很喜歡這部,可是古裝片必看啊 XD 04/30 08:49
katee0124:我也不是很愛這部 不過就是無法克制的一直看下去orz 04/30 09:56
sing0128:我是為了janathan看的 (羞) 逃~~ 04/30 12:57
hakusen:推JRM ! 04/30 16:47
oweny:我也要推JRM....(羞) 04/30 19:12
kallen:他負責脫就好了 05/01 00:07
VeronicaMars:很猶豫要不要追這部,不太了解那些歷史怕被悶到 05/01 00:50
maegsirien:Bloody Hell 不會真的六個老婆全拍吧XD" 05/01 17:26
widec:反正到伊莉莎白 all the Tudors... 05/01 18:23
ncyc:夠狠的就連House of Stuart都拍下去啊 05/01 18:41
aries01:據說是拍完六個老婆 但當然一切都看收視反應 05/01 19:33
aries01:個人比較想看那苦命的九日女王 伊莉紗白拍太多次了 可以 05/01 19:34
aries01:休息一下了 短期內也沒人演得過海倫米蘭 何必做無蝟的努力 05/01 19:35
hanavas:很好看耶...大家不喜歡嗎? 05/01 22:05
katee0124:喜歡阿= =只是便當發好多 領的方式連看CSI那麼多年的我 05/01 22:36
katee0124:都有一點受不了了 只是覺得很沈重啦 撇開領便當 05/01 22:36
katee0124:這是一部不錯的歷史劇XD 05/01 22:37
saxia:覺得拍到亨利掛點就好~ 05/01 23:22
masterenfant:上面a網友搞錯囉~Tudors的伊莉莎白跟海倫米蘭的伊 05/02 01:16
masterenfant:莉莎白是不同個喔~.....不過我也想看九日女王 05/02 01:17
hakusen:要是拍到亨利掛點 那我們應該是看不到晚年爆肥的亨利了 05/02 01:30
hakusen:第二季裡的JRM 眼神真是又狠又冷啊 05/02 01:31
malien:海倫米蘭不是兩個伊莉莎白都演過?不懂樓樓上網友的意思 05/02 01:42
masterenfant:喔對~我一時沒想到海倫米蘭也演過一世.... 05/02 04:06
synge:海倫米蘭演的是中老年的伊莉莎白吧 我比較想看登基前後的 06/07 11:33
synge:這時候就要推凱特布蘭琪演的了 06/07 11:34
synge:我說的海倫米蘭是指BBC拍的一世上下兩部 06/07 11:34