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saiil:推Kitchen confidential,還蠻好笑的啊~ 11/17 11:13
isaac0204:Kitchen Confidential TT 11/17 12:01
ppr:哀傷的Kitchen Confidential...男主角蠻可愛的說 11/17 12:21
kissahping:Kitchen Confidential...我想看被砍的片單之一... 11/17 13:05
sing0128:推Justice...我很愛片頭 裡面的主角們也都演很不賴 11/17 14:40
ZeeQangle:我也好喜歡kitchen confidential喔!! 11/17 16:43
ZeeQangle:很好看阿為什麼要砍 哭 11/17 16:44
willy77229:我也覺得好看 Bradley Cooper很逗趣阿 11/17 16:55
LILYCHEN:大推the west wing 11/18 23:48
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