看板 EAseries 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://0rz.tw/IaXv1 原文在網址內 抓了幾句重點翻譯 各位Hugh Laurie的fans ,Hugh Laureie將初次執導House! 集數為第六季十七集 等Hugh從聖誕假期回來後 他將會開始準備拍攝工作 拍攝工作一月開始 於2010年3/22日播出 執行製作Katie Jacobs表示 目前本集內容還是機密 但絕對是創新的一集 對於House拍攝團隊的士氣來說也是很大的鼓勵 Hugh Laurie從第一季開始每集都在現場 所以他對於鏡頭的掌握和直覺是無懈可擊的 記者還很八卦的在最後亂猜Laurie會不會真正導演Huddy的真實sex scene 或是更棒的Lucas Cuddy分手橋段 翻譯有錯請指正~thanks! House’s leading man and producer will add to his already sizeable workload when he steps behind the cameras to direct this season’s 17th episode, slated to shoot in January and air March 22. “He starts prep when we get back [from the holiday break],” reveals exec producer Katie Jacobs. This isn’t Laurie’s first time in the director’s chair — he previously helmed the British dramedy Fortysomething in which he also starred — but this marks his first time calling the shots on House. “Hugh has been there since day one through every single episode, so he’s phenomenally smart and his instincts are [impeccable],” Jacobs says. “This is going to be great for morale, because there’s no one that the cast and crew and the writers want to work harder for than our leader.” The plot of the episode is being kept under wraps — grr! However, Jacobs at least lets slip that “it’s not a traditional episode.” How funny would it be if Laurie was tasked with directing the first real Huddy sex scene? Or even better, a Luddy break-up! What dream scenario do you see Laurie calling the shots on? Sound off below! 好期待喔!!但是新的一集還要等到1/25 ※ 編輯: uteru 來自: (12/13 22:24)
rex0526:Luddy break-up! 這好期待(邪惡)XDDDD 12/13 23:00
starkidtw:我覺得Luddy break-up不太可能 (因為有雷說....) 12/13 23:01
TX55:喔喔 真有趣!! 12/13 23:03
chungyiju:喔喔! 12/13 23:29
claireoai:can't wait! 12/13 23:37
tonylin:會不會那集所有人都變成英國腔,只剩Chase變美國腔(思) 12/14 09:01
ieee:不知道這集會不會House戲份變很少? 12/14 12:35
TX55:所有人都變成英國腔只剩Chase變美國腔XDDDD 12/14 19:30
NancyBotwin:可能那集會沒有House..我記得他在訪談中有說他最想讓 12/14 19:36
NancyBotwin:House消失!!!哈哈 12/14 19:36
LOVEUU:Chase不是有點澳洲腔...? 12/15 06:08
cinnabardust:全部變英國腔阿...那不就變成 DR. who 12/15 10:27
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