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在六人行裡飾演Chandler的Matthew Perry要回到小螢幕了 這次和白宮風雲裡的Allison Janney一起合作ABC sitcom "Mr. Sunshine" 預計2011年播出 'Sunshine' strikes Perry and Janney One show; two big returning stars. When ABC's Mr. Sunshine hits ABC sometime in midseason, it will bring with it two major TV stars: Friends star Matthew Perry and The West Wing's Allison Janney. The show casts Perry as a put-upon, trying-to-reform jerk who manages a sports arena owned by Janney's character. The show marks a return to sitcoms by Perry, who was last seen on NBC's failed Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. He was interested in a doing a comedy again, he says -- and interested in writing one. But then he read the script for Mr. Sunshine and decided to do it instead, though he does plan to write for it as well. Perry describes Sunshine as a dysfunctional workplace comedy about a group of people who have to get it together to put a show on ever night. "We were just trying to think of a place where the most interesting, insane things can come in." Why do TV when he was doing movies? "You can tell how successful the movies were by the fact that I'm here." And why this character? "I love the way he looks. I like to say this character is me five years ago, before any sort of enlightenment." As for the inevitable question of whether any other Friends will appear, Perry says "ultimately yes, but in the very beginning, we want to convey to people that this is something new. ... I don't want to use them as sort of a launching pad." While Perry is returning to comedy, it's a new twist for Janney, and one she's embracing. "I spent seven years being politically correct on The West Wing. Now I get to just be completely wrong on so many levels. I see her nothing like her, and I'm so excited." -- Robert Bianco http://tinyurl.com/2ea9ty9 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Vidic:兩位都是我喜歡的演員 期待 08/02 10:58
percygino2:超期待!!!! 08/02 12:00
chinlinw:我還沒從上次在LOST裡看到AJ的驚嚇中恢復過來...... 08/02 13:10
Topanga:今早在Two and a Half Men看到 AJ...為什麼我老覺得他們有 08/02 14:29
Topanga:合作過? 08/02 14:29
chinlinw:你說AJ跟MP嗎?S60有一集是AJ客串,所以算有合作過 08/02 15:35
Eunoia:Matthew早就客串過The West Wing了 08/02 18:37
Eunoia:只是他好像沒有跟C.J.對到戲 08/02 18:37
chinlinw:哪一集的TWW啊?我一點印象都沒有耶 08/02 21:16
ncyc:應該是演踢爆何因斯婚外情的資淺白宮法律顧問 08/02 22:05
Eunoia:我印象是有三集 不過都短短的 08/02 22:49
Eunoia:而且中間隔很久 08/02 22:49
chinlinw:對呴....因為副總統太無聊我都快轉.... 08/02 23:14
ghty:轉錄至看板 wearefriends 08/03 18:56
ghty:借轉 謝謝! 08/03 18:57