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※ 引述《imusya (Vampire)》之銘言: : 相同的 zip 檔案,在我的電腦中開啟檔案所在資料夾,可以直接用 : winrar 開啟,但是在 xplorer2 中卻是以資料夾形式開啟 zip 檔, : 除非在 zip 檔上按右鍵選"開啟"才是以 winrar 開 : 請問要在哪裡設定才能正常使用 winrar 開啟 zip 檔? : xplorer2 版本 : winrar 版本 3.71 該軟體有問題可以去該論壇問看看 http://www.zabkat.com/x2support.htm 你的問題不知道是不是這FAQ裡的 http://www.zabkat.com/x2faq.htm B9. How can I disable default ZIP folder handling? To turn off this feature you need to unregister the DLL that "simulates" zip files as folders. Just run this command: regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll from within your system directory where this DLL is kept (%WINDIR%\SYSTEM32). Then just allow your archive program to take over the ZIP file associations. However keep in mind that by disabling the default behaviour you miss out on features xplorer2 offers within zipfolders, like content preview, thumbnails, comparisons etc. For windows vista there's a registry workaround. 簡單來說就是在 開始->執行 裡面輸入regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll -- 5L36f6d6I5207573K657273206f6E62066Y697265O666f78206172U65207375636b2e -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
imusya:感謝,問題終於解決了 02/03 03:47