看板 Economics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
你的個經老師看到你寫出來的東西應該會想哭. 花點心思去搞清楚市場的想法.(大二個經明明就有教產品的差異化) 而不是自己那一套背離市場的想法.(個體阿宅經濟學?) http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/BrandNames.html When the producers of products are not identified with brand names, a crucial element of the market mechanism cannot operate because consumers cannot use their past experience to know which products to buy and which not to buy. In particular, consumers can neither punish companies that supply low-quality products by stopping their purchases nor reward companies that supply high-quality products by increasing their purchases. Thus, when all brand names, including factory production marks, were eliminated in the Soviet Union, unidentified producers manufacturing indistinguishable products each had an incentive to supply lower-quality goods. And the inability to punish these producers created significant problems for consumers. About the Author Benjamin Klein is professor emeritus of economics at UCLA and director, LECG, LLC. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Further Reading Goldman, Marshall. “Product Differentiation and Advertising: Some Lessons from the Soviet Experience.” Journal of Political Economy 68 (1960): 346– 357. Klein, Benjamin, and Keith Leffler. “The Role of Market Forces in Assuring Contractual Performance.” Journal of Political Economy 89 (1981): 615–641. Mitchell, Mark. “The Impact of External Parties on Brand-Name Capital: The 1982 Tylenol Poisonings and Subsequent Cases.” Economic Inquiry 27, no. 4 (1989): 601–618. ※ 引述《gambit001 (123)》之銘言: : 我以個體經濟學,理性消費者的立場來看待品牌經濟學。(以下和經濟政策無關) : 同樣都是〔台灣寶x〕做的鞋子,貼上不同的標籤,一雙鞋子從1千元到4千多元 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 邏輯上犯了大錯誤.貼上別人的牌子至少可以賣一千.貼上寶x自己的名字, 只會變成存貨放在倉庫爛掉.倒貼兼虧本也賣不出去. 去問問廣達,查一下它們以前幹的事. : 都有人在買。學院派的會說,這就是品牌。 : 但是,以理性消費者的立場而言,運動鞋就只是運動鞋。 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 理性消費者是吧? Nike在2008年dominate 38% of the market.所以使用Nike這38%的消費者都非理性? 如果成立的話,你大概可以拿諾貝爾獎了. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brand_loyalty 學一下什麼叫做brand loyalty. : 若要發揮其最大效用,就是增加運動頻率。在鞋子的使用年限內(約2年), : 極大化運動次數。為何要花大錢去買一個品牌呢?品質應該是沒差吧! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 穿個鞋子有沒有機會變成跛豪或秘雕? Shoe Manufacturer Sued By Tot's Dad http://www.totalinjury.com/news/articles/notable-injury-cases/article-crocs.aspx The maker of the colorful and trendy Crocs shoes has been sued for $7 million by the father of a 3-year-old girl who wore a pair of the shoes. Emma Hochberg was injured on November 14, 2007 when the pink Croc shoe in her right foot got stuck in an airport escalator at LaGuardia Airport in New York. 沒牌子的,大概就關掉,再開一間.或是貼你個一塊兩毛五. 理性消費者會去冒風險穿一雙腳會受傷的鞋,再去沒地方告? 理性消費者花錢都不買保險的? : 再舉手機為例,手機不就是用來聯絡用的而已,為何要去買一支2萬多元的手機呢? : 依據調查(資料來源,手機製造廠員工),手機的平均使用壽命為 2 年, : 意思就是說兩年後,這兩萬元就報銷了。使用免費的手機不是更好嗎? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ http://www.betanews.com/joewilcox/article/Apple-Q4-2010-by-the-numbers-Record-iPhone-sales-and-iPad-push-revenue-to-2034-billion/1287432873 iphone第四季,fiscal year就運出了1410萬台.比去年同期成長了92%. 手機不就只是聯絡用?對阿宅來說是成立的. 但對於要上班,要party,和朋友hang out的美國人來說, 沒有一台iphone就可能要蹲回家做宅宅了. 兩年後,兩萬元報銷?總比整個人生現在就報銷來的好. -- Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
washburn:感謝分享! 11/12 10:33
EvanYang:邊看邊笑,尤其是送塑膠袋就好那段 哈哈 11/12 11:36
washburn:去年才買了一個 Coach... 11/13 06:21