看板 Editor 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Company-mode http://company-mode.github.io in buffer completion framework for emacs Eclim http://eclim.org/index.html Eclim provides the ability to access Eclipse features (code completion, searching, code validation, and many more) via the command line or a local network connection, allowing those features to be integrated with your favorite editor. Eclim provides an integration with Vim, but third party clients have been created to add eclim support to other editors as well (emacs, sublime text 2, textmate). Emacs eclim https://github.com/senny/emacs-eclim Eclim is an Eclipse plugin which exposes Eclipse features through a server interface. When this server is started, the command line utility eclim can be used to issue requests to that server. http://www.skybert.net/emacs/java/ 可以看看以上套件合在一起用的樣子 把Emacs變成一個完整的java IDE... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: