看板 Emulator 關於我們 聯絡資訊
MAME Plus! Pre-Release WIP - catlist 0.118u5 [s_bastian] - updated monaco.c to the new core [xvi] - fixed HAZEMD=1 compile error [xvi] - fixed Sega Master System input [xvi] - updated Japanese mameinfo (9/8) [xvi] - updated Japanese list (jplist0118u5_0908.zip) [xvi] 2007-09-07 08:28:27 -0700 (Fri, 07 Sep 2007) MAME Plus! 0.118u5 - updated to 0.118u5, temporarily disabled scalers [emuman] - mamep now uses official MAME development tools mingw-mame-20070810.exe and dx80_mgw.zip, plus gcc-g++-4.2.1-sjlj-2.tar.gz for USE_IMAGE_MENU=1 [emuman] - updated Korean text & history [exako] - added version info resource to all exe and dll [but] - updated Japanese command.dat [but] - fixed zipped inp playback [but] - GUI: added context menu for inp playback [but] - fixed auto volume adjust feature [but] - fixed ICC build [xvi] - fixed INP_CAPTION feature [xvi] - updated Japanese mameinfo (8/29), [xvi] - updated Japanese list (jplist0118u3_0831.zip) [xvi] - catlist 0.118u4 [s_bastian] 2007-08-30 18:56:52 -0700 (Thu, 30 Aug 2007) ______________________________________________________________________________ 下載:http://0rz.tw/b230j 官方:http://mame.emu-zone.org/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: