看板 Emulator 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2007.10.03 help: updated gbatek standalone version 2.5 (about one hundred news since 2.3) vram viewer: supports extended palettes in bg map windows (eg. magnetica demo) nds/help: added ds 3d overview chapter (basics on geometry/rendering engines) nds/help: added ds technical data chapter (containing some basic overview) nds/help: replaced ds various chapter by new ds memory control/ timing chapter nds/sound: fixed major unreported bug in 80x86 code sound_bias SWI function nds/3d/help: corrected shininess formula (ie. fixed that max cos 2 angle mess) nds/3d/help: added caution: specular reflection WON'T WORK on camera rotation nds/3d/help: maths basics of vector-by-vector multiply (and purposes thereof) nds/3d/softlight: allows light+color nonsense double def (eg castlevania clip) nds/3d/softlight: much better light-accuracy, and now supports shininess_table nds/3d/softlight: lighting fully calculated by software (without opengl light) nds/timing: split timings for nds7 (fast access) and trashy nds9 (slow access) nds/timing: split addr_clks_table to CODE/DATA addr_clkc_table/addr_clkd_table nds/timing: emulates "half" cycles on 66MHz/nds9 (tcm/cache and n32/2 thumb) nds/timing: emulates nds7 exmemstat gba-slot timing bits (like nds9 exmemcnt) nds/timing/help: added detailed/tested nds7/nds9 code/data memory-timing chart nds/timing/cache: allows more CPU load on bios/mainram when cache is enabled nds/timing: emulates shared N32 access time for two NDS9 thumb 16bit opcodes cpu/speedup: precalculates opcode-timings on interseg-jumps (usually faster) cpu/speedup: faster conditional opcode handling (maybe yet another 3% faster) cpu/speedup: thumb: uses 16bit reads (3% faster on non-32bit-aligned addr's) cpu/speedup: replaced dumb jmp exec_opcode by exec_opcode_mac (ca. 10% faster) cpu/speedup: added more code alignments in cpu-core (not significantly faster) nds/help: added note that 66MHz-nds9 actually runs MUCH SLOWER than 33MHz-nds7 nds/cpu: emulates superslow nds9 memory access time (bios,wram, vram,oam,etc) nds/cpu: emulates operand-independend ARM9 multiply time (eg. slow thumb time) nds/wram: emulates wramcnt mapping (no idea if it's used by any games though) nds/3d: adjusted z-rounding (avoid opengl-clip-plane in club house games demo) cpu: emulates cp15-trace-id, debug: disass auto-comments on trace-id and bist nds/help: fixed key1 [scratch] writeback lsw/msw are exchanged (thanks simon) nds/help: cp15 info on trace-id, bist, cache debug/test, supported cache cmds cheat: fixed occassional crash on delete cheat (push/pop) (thanks Hiei Youkai) thanks: rockmanrotties for submarine (timing) and clubhouse (clip) bugreports ______________________________________________________________________________ 下載:http://nocash.emubase.de/no$gba-w.zip 官方:http://nocash.emubase.de/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
darit:音樂別LAG就好 10/04 16:51
vicklin:結果control抓不到搖桿= = 10/04 17:58
windmax1:?二樓大大是說不設定搖桿還是不能用搖桿了@@? 10/04 18:23
windmax1:希望別的遊戲可以玩了ˊˋ 現在還是只能玩機戰W... 10/04 18:24
windmax1:sd鋼彈兩代都不能玩@@jump跟逆轉很lag@@"還有希望能放大~ 10/04 18:24
beugo:玩的時候把顯示器解析度調成640X480...先這樣撐著用吧XD 10/04 20:20
windmax1:小弟的電腦只能800x600..雖然比1024大x480大了點, 10/04 21:10
windmax1:可是還是很小啊囧 10/04 21:11
RM9:右鍵->內容->相容性->在640x480解析度下執行 打勾即可 10/04 21:17
vicklin:就是no$gba抓不到搖桿 搖桿怎按他都沒反應可是其他正常 10/04 21:48
windmax1:嗯..我剛剛開了也是這樣..是要測新功能才拿掉還是因為bug 10/04 22:02
windmax1:呀..剛剛開了機戰w 不知道是剛掃毒的關係還是gb開著.. 10/04 22:02
windmax1:音樂整個破音XD..好奇怪 等等重開機在測看看好了 10/04 22:03
ihtgs:逆轉四玩到第三章牙琉的音樂出來後不會lag耶 !!!! 10/04 23:22
qqrock:快成功了XD 10/05 02:44
windmax1:奇怪..更新之後機戰w反而破音+lag..只有我這樣嘛?? 10/05 18:15
windmax1:原來是W遊戲速度提升了..平常地圖上都動很快.. 10/05 18:56
windmax1:一進入戰鬥就LAG了~"~..音樂則是平常就在破音+LAG 10/05 18:57
thx:機戰w...不是畫面流暢音樂破,就是音樂正常畫面頓...Orz 10/06 01:21
thx:打算放棄..準備買實機了 10/06 01:22
thx:雖然已經有用No$gba全破一次了@@a 10/06 01:29
chung74511:好怪...2.4能玩的2.5都會說讀取失敗@@? 10/06 10:30
chung74511:可以了...我腦殘忘了設定= = 10/06 10:32
windmax1:只好平常關戰鬥用2.5..劇情事件出來用2.4f了XD... 10/06 12:35
vaakaa:玩逆轉4的時候變lag了...60%變45%...(剛開始的對話) 10/06 23:40
vaakaa:現在模擬器還是吃cpu吃很大耶@@ 10/06 23:42