看板 Emulator 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://news.gamme.com.tw/401854 之前在YOUTUBE上很紅的Dumb Ways To Die: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJNR2EpS0jw
下面這首美國NASA支持者改編的Cool Things To Find,呼籲大家要常保好奇心, 支持NASA探索太空的計畫: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=bIy6w_iubSs
笨笨的死法-電玩篇: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-HTTFEk6UM&feature=player_embedded#!
好好笑XDD 補一下Dumb Ways To Die的歌詞: Dumb Ways To Die -- TANGERINE KITTY Set fire to your hair Poke a stick at a grizzly bear Eat medicine that’s out of date Use your private parts as piranha bait Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die, dumb ways to di-i-i-ie, so many dumb ways to die Get your toast out with a fork Do your own electrical work Teach yourself how to fly Eat a two week old unrefrigerated pie Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die, dumb ways to di-i-i-ie, so many dumb ways to die Invite a psycho-killer inside Scratch a drug dealer’s brand new ride Take your helmet off in outer space Use your clothes dryer as a hiding place Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die, dumb ways to di-i-i-ie, so many dumb ways to die Keep a rattlesnake as pet Sell both your kidneys on the internet Eat a tube of superglue “I wonder what’s this red button do?” Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die, dumb ways to di-i-i-ie, so many dumb ways to die Dress up like a moose during hunting season Disturb a nest of wasps for no good reason Stand on the edge of a train station platform Drive around the boom gates at a level crossing Run across the tracks between the platforms They may not rhyme but they’re quite possibly Dumbest ways to die Dumbest ways to die Dumbest ways to di-i-i-ie So many dumb So many dumb ways to die Be safe around trains. A message from Metro 鄉民版中字: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYmxD2yNvOI
※ 編輯: protect6090 來自: (12/12 16:23)
CP64:老馬和Creeper感同身受啊... 12/12 19:21
conpo:地底探險(Spelunker)居然沒有列入?他的死法才是我覺得最 12/12 23:20
conpo:笨的地方XDDD 12/12 23:20
kurenai911:我覺得暗影之門的主角セルフ一大堆莫名其妙的死法才是 12/14 14:43
kurenai911:真正蠢到一個極致,跟spelunker老師比起來實在有過之而 12/14 14:44
kurenai911:無不及啊w 12/14 14:44
willkill:推XD 12/14 15:25