看板 Emulator 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2013.02.10 A little about the project. This is the first HLE-console emulator 3DO.C 2006 I improved emulator FreeDO, studied architecture, then, alas, the team FreeDO threw his baby at version 1.7, and has opened the source code for version 2.1. There are clones, but no one in the project added a line, more than a year, and the progress of the same clones at rough rounding - zero. Actually so written from scratch emulation code, I decided not to publish in the FreeDO, but to create a separate project. Project goal: to bring begun to perfection. Involved in testing: contract. Becoming a beta tester you support the project and get access to the latest advances in simulation 3DO :) Remember that beta-tester status, it is not consumer status, there will be glitches and inconveniences, there will be debugging tools require substantial resources, are not accepted demands and claims, this software is provided as is without any express or implied warranties or liability. But your opinion is always a priority and where possible will be taken into account. Public release: in a very distant future. Current status: Intercept calls to the main library of the operating system: GraphFolio - 75%, MathFolio - 100%, SoundFolio - 0%, KernelFolio-15%, FileFolio - 5%. Emulation Hardware: ARM - 99.9%, DSP - 99.9%, ANVIL - 93%, memory - 100%, interfaces - 30%. General emulation: correct operation of games of about 91%, the correct sound for about 90%, the correct schedule of about 95% (by hardware without any tangible artifacts - 40%, about 30% is not playable in hardware rendering mode) Available features: - Built-in library of images and dumps - Support for compressed images (compression level ZIP) - Built-in access to the file of images System Works The near future: - Further development of hardware rendering - Elimination of the BIOS - Improved compatibility - But first interactive debugger Requirements: - Hardware rendering: a graphics card with Shader 2.0 and 2GHz processor, preferably two nuclei. - Software Rendering: CPU 3 GHz. ______________________________________________________________________________ 下載:http://arts-union.ru/tmp/PhoenixDistrib.zip 官方:http://www.arts-union.ru/node/131 -- ポーラステーション http://perryt0517.wordpress.com/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
qazxswptt:對3DO有著難忘的回憶呀 有改進版真好 02/11 23:44