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※ 引述《ttak (無可救藥的浪漫主義)》之銘言: : Schiavo ex rel Schinfler, et al. v. Schiavo, et ^應該是Schindler : 這是一篇法律文件的title : 可以告訴我 : ex rel : et al. : v. : et : 分別代表蛇麼意思嗎 thanks !^^ 去查了一下 ex rel. conj. abbreviation for Latin ex relatione, meaning "upon being related" or "upon information," used in the title of a legal proceeding filed by a state Attorney General (or the federal Department of Justice) on behalf of the government, on the instigation of a private person, who needs the state to enforce the rights of himself/herself and the public. For example, the caption would read: The State of Tennessee ex rel. Archie Johnson v. Hardy Products. 這就是之前喧騰一時的泰莉案吧 et al.= and others 以及其他人 v.= versus 表示誰跟誰對打的官司 後面的et我想應該也是et al. 這個案子就是指Terri的父母Schindler和先生Michael Schiavo雙方的官司 那至於其他人是誰呢 這是完整的title THERESA MARIE SCHIAVO, Incapacitated, ex. rel. ROBERT AND MARY SCHINDLER, her Parents and Next Friends Applicant, v. MICHAEL SCHIAVO, Guardian: Theresa Schiavo, Incapacitated, THE HONORABLE GEORGE W. GREER, and THE HOSPICE OF THE FLORIDA SUNCOAST, INC., Respondents. -- 有沒有了解法律和泰利案的人可以解說一下啊XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Dango 來自: (05/24 21:06)
jonathan319: 商用英文縮寫: https://www.yesonlineeng.com/cea/ 12/15 18:40