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警察終於抓到壞蛋馬文,並將他關起來。上午 08:48 2006/4/15 [我的翻譯] Finally,the policemen caught Marvin and put him into the prison [ 空中英語教室翻譯] After the police finally caught "Mean Marvin", they locked him up. 他們這麼說愛情 【王爾德】 One can always recognize women who trust their husbands; they look so thoroughly unhappy. 信任丈夫的女人一眼就看得出來;她們徹頭徹尾鬱鬱寡歡。 【2006/04/15 聯合報】 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
HydronBlue:put him into the prison好像不加the喔 08/16 02:27
HydronBlue:^^; 08/16 02:28