看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1、星座一直是一個熱門的話題。 [China Post翻譯] Astrology has always been a hot topic. [我的翻譯] The star-sign is always a popular topic. 「一直」表過去到現在的連續狀態,所以最好用has always been 2、據說不同星座的人具有不同的個性。 [China Post翻譯] It is said that personalities of certain signs have certain personalities. [我的翻譯] It is said that one's personality has something to do with his star-sign. ps:horoscope 占星術,指報紙上的星座運勢。 3、有的人藉著星座去了解別人。 [China Post翻譯] Some people judge others according to their signs. [我的翻譯] Some people understand others by star-sign. ps:「了解」翻譯成英文用judge比較貼切 4、也有的人不相信星座和個性有關係。 [China Post翻譯] Other people think that signs do not determine a people's personality. [我的翻譯] Others do not think that one's personalities is related with his/her star-sign. 5、我雖然對星座的訊息感興趣,但是只能把它當做參考。 [China Post翻譯] I find the horoscopes interesting,but only use them as a reference. [我的翻譯] Although I am interested in horoscopes,just tkae them as references. -- 還有更多的句子在我申請的城市, 歡迎光臨我的「空中英語教室」 網址:http://city.udn.com/v1/city/index.jsp?gid=2999 不定期(原則上是每天,不過有時很忙就沒辦法喔)提供摘錄自紐時週報、彭蒙惠教室、 Student China Post等所閱讀到的佳言美句。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
youonly: tkae-->take ^^ 09/08 07:42
birdpon:我錯覺嗎?怎麼覺得China Post很不倫不類? 09/08 19:58
amor675:同意樓上 4. a people's!? 09/09 18:27