看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
intern:實習生 to encourage:鼓勵 to complete:完成 undergraduate:大學生的 widen my horizons: 拓展視野 in demand:需求量大 employment market:就業市場 我爸一直鼓勵我要拓展視野。他說我該開始思考高中畢業後要從事何種行業。同時我爸也 建議,可以修管理課程或者在大學畢業後繼續攻讀企業管理 學碩士。 [China Post] My Dad has been encouraging me to widen my horizons.He says Ishould start thinking about what to do after I complete high school. He suggested I think about doing a management course or even do an MBA after I finish my first degree. [我的翻譯] My father has encouraged me to widen my widens,he said I should start to think about what to do after graduating from senior high school.And he suggested me can do a mangement course or do an MBA after completing unversity degree. 包比說,新來的大學教授在上大學部的課時,嚴格要求學生要注意細節。 Bobby said, the new professor demanded serious attention to detail in his undergraduate course. -- 還有更多的句子在我申請的城市, 歡迎光臨我的「空中英語教室」 網址:http://city.udn.com/v1/city/index.jsp?gid=2999 不定期(原則上是每天,不過有時很忙就沒辦法喔)提供摘錄自紐時週報、彭蒙惠教室、 Student China Post等所閱讀到的佳言美句。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: