看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《freeman18 (Treasure)》之銘言: : what a silly mistake you taking : 這是我朋友跟我講的一句英文~~ : 但是我絕得這句英文很怪~~ : 我認為起碼you takeing 之間少一個BE動詞 : 但他回我說 taking是動名詞~ : 但是依照我的觀念 動名詞不是通常都放在句首嗎?? : 我文法不好 請各位幫我看看這個 Yes, your grammar is very good. The word "taking" is not a gerund (動名詞) in this "sentence". Your friend was trying to make either a present progressive (現在進行式) or a past progressive sentence. It's hard to tell, because actually, it is not even a sentence. Every sentence must have a verb, and this one does not have it. The missing verb should either be "are" or "were." What a silly mistake you ARE taking. (present progressive) What a silly mistake you WERE taking. (past progressive) And then you are right again. This sentence is weird because people don't TAKE a mistake, they MAKE a mistake. Tell your friend that he/she made a mistake, but don't use the word "silly" because you are a polite person. Cheers ^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
chenzhishun1:yeah,動名詞can be put both in句首(S.)orin句尾(O.) 02/09 20:41
chenzhishun1:see? your grammar is quite good ^^ 02/09 20:42
freeman18:ㄏㄏ 謝謝你重發一篇告訴我 謝謝 02/09 22:33