看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《recary (recary)》之銘言: : 1.The story(Les Miserables) is _____ of hope and optimism in the midst of : poverty and injustice. : (A)that (B)which (C)some (D)one : Ans:(A) : 【疑惑】我自己解釋是The story is the/a story of hope...,但因前面出現過the : story,故用單數that代替。請問這個觀念對嗎? : 2.The musical version of the story was _____ in France. : (A)played (B)performed : Ans:(B) : 【疑惑】字典上play 和perform的意思差不多,都可以用在表演/演出,請問這裡為什 : 麼只能選played呢? : 感謝大家的幫忙 :) 1.) Instead of writing "He has a peculiar smile, it looks like the smile of a jester or a clown," I can write: "He has a peculiar smile, it looks like that of a jester or a clown." I would write "My body type is that of a midget" but not "My body type is the body type of a midget." To me, using "that of" is good way to avoid redundancy. To see how "that" is used as a "determiner," see http://dictionary.cambridge.org/define.asp?key=82256&dict=CALD 2.) In this case, a musical = a play = a performance (roughly) however, we say "the musical (or the performance or the play) was performed," but not "the musical (or the performance or the play) was played." Although a piece of music can be played, but a play is performed. I'm making myself dizzy now... :p and I hope my explanation doesn't confuse you more... Cheers ^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
chenzhishun1:there i used "although" & "but" together 02/10 12:14
chenzhishun1:that was redundant. sorry :p 02/10 12:16