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Here is the script, I tried to type it up as accurately as possible. I didn't get all of it... It was difficult and if you see a (?) in the script it means I am have no idea what it might be... Help correct/compete the script if you find the viedo interesting. Here is my draft of the video script: ==================================================================== Reporter: Yu-Na Kim is the world's top female figure skater, what would she do if she doesn't win the Olympic gold? Yuna: Even if I don't win the gold metal, I would … not be too disappointed with myself. Reporter: Off the ice, Yuna is an understated (?) 19 year old, but on the ice, she is a South Korean super star. Lionized by the public in Korea, where she is worth about 7 million dollars in annal endorsements. music: OH, I love the way she plays it cool, I think that she is beautiful. Reporter: Yuna is best known for the flawless triplets (?), which helps make her the heavy favorite to win in Vancouver. So what does she think that makes her so good? Orser: She is just a kid, you know, she is just a kid who loves to move, she is a kid who loves to skate. Reporter: Brian Orser is Yuna's coach. Orser: She is not a snob, one little bit, she is unaffected by all of this. I mean, she is a giant super star in her country. She is the number one celebrity in her country. Reporter: Since childhood, Yuna's main competitor has been this woman, Mao Asada of Japan. The 2008 world champion who she had struggled (?)in 2009. Asada's off year has only intensified the pressure on Yuna to win it all. So has the fact that Japan and Korea are bitter rivals. Now even the most casual korean spectators are yearning for Yuna to win the nations' first ever gold in figure skating. The pressure goes far beyond Yuna. Orser: And the culture in Korea is they kinda unload everything on the coach. There is onetime where I was … here was a headline calling ya know saying that Brian Orser was the new savior …of… figure skater of Yuna, I was like… oh my god. "I love that." "Don't you wish you would take this feeling and just put it into a little pill … and take it when you need it?" Reporter: Yuna scouted 4 coaches before selecting Orser, a retired canadian skater who had never been a coach. Orser: You know, I have talked to her about my olympic experience all the time. I don't wanna scare her, I just wanna make sure that she is like "oh, that's cool." Reporter: At the 1988 games in Calgary Brian Orser skated against Brian Boitano in the famous ice skating rivalry "the battle of the Brians." Female Reporter: "It just couldn't have been any closer." "Two outstanding competitors, but, only one medal." Orser: I never saw this as anyting other than the olympic champion. Female Reporter: "It was a fine performance, you won the silver, and yet, for you, was it gold or nothing?" Orser: "That is what I came here for, I came here to Calgary to win the gold metal. And being the (?) champion I was coming here not settling for anything less than the gold medal, because I am the best in the world, and that was what I was after, so in that respect it was somewhat disappointing…" I beat my self up for about 10 years. I never ever watched the performance of my olympics. I did the "what if" thing. "what if that it had happened how would my life be different?" but now I embrace it. I am like "why? I have two olympic silver metals, you know, that's pretty good." Reporter: That positive outlook has helped Yuma maintain her composure as Olympics near. Orser: We need something that's very meaningful for the Olympics. It's gonna make you cry. Reporter: Yuma came to Orser 4 years ago. As a raw talent of Korean skating couched her (?) where repetition trumps (?) creativity. Yuna: At that time my personality was shy. so I (?) to program. It wasn't easy to express things due to my shyness. Now I often do some feminine acting programs. Back then I couldn't think about acting like this, not at all. Reporter: Orser is encouraging Yuna to blend her love of music with her physical strength like speeding conditioning. Orser: She is very musical, she always seems to hit it at the right time. So when all these things come together, then it's magical, I mean it's incredible. Reporter: But Yuna has had setbacks.Like when fell at the competition in November, and when she became nervous just before the 2009 world championships. Orser: And I said to her, I said "Nobody in this ring knows how you're feeling" and I pointed to her mom, her trainer,and physical therapists, all those people … they don't know how you are feeling, they don't know what you are going through, I know how you are going through. " You know I could see her just relax… (And a triple flip … ) and it worked (triple toe (?)... Beautiful! ) Another Reporter: No Korean skater has ever won a world title. Reporter: Yuna's performance received the highest score in the history of women skating 207.71 the first woman ever unbelievable to break 200 points. Now, Orser wants her to do it one more time. She is magic. Orser: For me, to see her win, to see that happen, you know, I can't even imagine what it feels like 'cause I have never won a Olympics, I thought about it many times, and I, visualized it… I am sure she visualizes it as well. So, to see it happen for her would be awesome. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ashurali:triplets --> triple lutz 02/11 00:25
ashurali:I mean it's incredible --> then it's incredible (?) 02/11 00:26
ashurali:Nobody in this ring --> rink 02/11 00:27
ashurali:triple toe --> it's really triple toe :) 02/11 00:28
ashurali:So I (?) to program --> So I did program (?) 02/11 00:30
ashurali:Understated seems the word what the narrator used. 02/11 00:31
ashurali:who she had struggled in 2009 --> who had struggled 02/11 00:33
chenzhishun1:wow... thanks ^^ haha... u da best! 02/11 10:21
ashurali:the word "THAT" the narrator used 02/11 13:07
ashurali:My listening ability is very poor >.< 02/11 13:09