看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
如題... 有外國朋友(是大概50歲左右的媽媽)來台灣玩即將要回美國了 想寫張小卡片給他但不知道該寫些甚"祝福語"比較適當 請大家給我一些建議...>"< 我只能想到"Happy chinese new year"或是" You're welcome to Taiwan anytime"... 還有我想寫以下這段話給她,請大家幫我檢查一下有沒有錯誤或是更好的說法~~感謝!!! "I really enjoyed the time we spent together and expected you enjoyed your time as I did. I'll always cherish those unforgettable experiences and memories with you.Besides, I hope you could feel the beauty of Taiwan and the warmth of Taiwanese. Next time you come to Taiwan, be sure to let me welcome you !" 拜託大家幫幫我嘍....非常謝謝 ^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
n3oanderson:I really ... expected you enjoyed it as well. 02/24 00:59
n3oanderson:the beauty of Taiwan and ... Taiwanese's passion 02/24 01:03
n3oanderson:and hospitality. 02/24 01:03
n3oanderson:Next time when you visit Taiwan again, please be 02/24 01:05
n3oanderson:my guest. 02/24 01:05