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※ 引述《echinus (淒風寒意)》之銘言: : 要問的字詞:(中英皆可) : 台灣點心「爆米香」的單字是哪一個? : 提問: : 爆米花是popcorn,爆米香是用稻米製作,是不是可以用"pop-rice"? : 謝謝各位大大! Why not, poprice is a cute name too. ^^ It is actually a very interesting question. Usually in Chinese we say 爆米花 when we mean puffed corn but not puffed rice. I agree, Chinese can often be misleading. In fact it does more harm than good most of the time. To see what I mean, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinglish I think in western world they do have puffed rice (or puffed cereals/grains). Sometimes puffed grains are molded into different shapes and many Americans eat them for breakfast and they just call them cereals. For more information, google the phrases "quaker puffed rice quaker puffed wheat" and "gun-puffed cereal." Here is anther idea, how about "bon-me-pun"? cheers ^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
echinus:感謝你XD 02/22 22:57
Asvaghosa: pongbiphang is better i think 02/24 18:49