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※ 引述《syant (簡單的存在即至福)》之銘言: : 路德爸爸說了一句 : but you are as much to : blame for that as I am : aren't you? : 這是什麼意思啊 : 我的試譯是 : (我沒有中文版dvd) : 但是你跟我一樣被責怪,不是嗎 : 有點看不懂 : 我在美國的朋友知道我想要 : 就從美國寄來dvd : 結果…沒有中文字幕orz yes you are right ^^ ========================== "you are to blame" --> "you are to blame (for that)" --> "you are (as much) to blame for that (as I am)" --> "you are as much to blame for that as I am(, aren't you?)" --> "(But,) you are as much to blame for that as I am, aren't you?" ========================== cheers ^^ and thanks for the queston! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tupacshkur:你解釋的好清楚喔!!! 推XD 02/24 08:51
chenzhishun1:thanks ^^ this is actually nothing new, 02/24 09:31
chenzhishun1:to learn more google"Sentence Diagramming." ^^ 02/24 09:32
avgsteve:那我可以說成:"你跟我一樣都該負責,不是嗎?" 02/24 15:19
chenzhishun1:I like your translation... ^^ i am just wondering 02/24 18:05
chenzhishun1:if we should translate it at all ^^||| 02/24 18:05
chenzhishun1:here is how i think... if i understand each step 02/24 18:08
chenzhishun1:of the way, then i must understand the whole 02/24 18:09
chenzhishun1:sentence, right? ... 02/24 18:09
chenzhishun1:so, if i already understand it, then why would i 02/24 18:11
chenzhishun1:need the translation? .... i thought there is 02/24 18:11
chenzhishun1:always something lost when we translate ... 02/24 18:12
chenzhishun1:maybe i am wrong .... sorry ^^||| 02/24 18:12