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※ 引述《damnations (id-punisher)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《filawyer (直山裕誠)》之銘言: : : Oil tankers will likely experience continued port delays this year as fuel : : demand rises and ships that were storing cargoes last year return to the market : : 我英文實在太菜了…希望有人可以點一下。感謝先! : : 出處: : : http://0rz.tw/sqnVb : [Oil tankers will likely experience continued port delays this year] as fuel : demand rises and ships "that" were storing cargoes last year return to the : mark. 關代 ------------------------------ 說明ships --- : ---- : 試翻:隨著燃料需求增加,以及去年用來裝載貨物的船隻回到市場, : 今年在油輪靠港時很可能會有持續性的延誤。 Fuel demand rises. [1] Ships return to the market. --> Ships (that were storing cargoes last year) return to the market. [2] Combine [1] and [2], and we get: (Fuel demand rises) and (ships that were storing cargoes last year return to the market). [3] ======================== Oil tankers will experience delays. --> Oil tankers will (likely) experience delays. --> Oil tankers will likely experience (port) delays. --> Oil tankers will likely experience (continued) port delays. --> Oil tankers will likely experience continued port delays (this year). --> Oil tankers will likely experience continued port delays this year (as fuel demand rises and ships that were storing cargoes last year return to the market). [due to 3] ======================== hope that's clear ^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: