看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《alkat ( )》之銘言: : "I'm giving up on trying to be popular and normal,"she said cheerfully. : ^^^^ : 我想問的是on拿掉對句子的語意是否不變?? : 如果不行的話,加上這個on對句子有什麼樣的附加意義呢??謝謝:) People before me have already mentioned their difference. I just want to add a few more details. My apple built-in dictionary has the following defition: --Usages without "on"-- ‧ give something up To part with something that one would prefer to keep : she would have given up everything for love. ‧ stop the habitual doing or consuming of something : I've decided to give up drinking. --Usages with "on"-- ‧ give up on stop having faith or belief in : they weren't about to give up on their heroes so easily. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
chenzhishun1:there should be a line break bet."stop"&"having" 02/27 15:41
chenzhishun1:sorry, my bad, the link break should be bet. 02/27 15:42
chenzhishun1:"on" and "stop" 02/27 15:43