看板 Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
想請問各位大大以下句子 1. Nutritionists recommend that each individual take sufficient amounts of vitamin C so that may he may not contract svurvy as well as other diseases attributed to the lack of the nutrient. 第一行中的take是否應該要用第三人稱單數 即takes 2. Historians are still mystified by the question how some ancient civiliztions disappeared suddenly in history. 第一行中的how為何不能使用why 3. __________, the cell bodies that control the heredity of an animal or a plant. (A) DNA is the chief material in chromosomes (B) The chief material in chromosomes is DNA (C) In chromosomes DNA is the chief material (D) In chromosomes the chief material is DNA 正確答案是A 想請問其他選項為何不行 謝謝回答 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
zofloya:1.subjunctive2.因為作者想問how 3因為後面那一串是染色體 03/01 01:32
aowen:2用why的話好像蠻詭異的... 03/01 01:39