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一些想法和查到的資料想和大家討論 ※ 引述《invisibleya (inv)》之銘言: : 1. Nutritionists recommend that each individual take sufficient amounts : of vitamin C so that may he may not contract svurvy as well as other : diseases attributed to the lack of the nutrient. : 第一行中的take是否應該要用第三人稱單數 即takes 文法書中多半會提到下面幾個動詞用法有些特別: ┌ suggest ┐ │ propose │ ┌ should + infinitive 其句型是 S + │recommend│ + (that) + S + │ infinitive │ insist │ └ V (past form) └ demand ┘ [the subjunctive] -----------------可以跳過----------------- The subjunctive mood is a verb mood typically used in dependent clauses to express a wish, emotion, possibility, judgment, opinion, necessity, or action that has not yet occurred. (from Wikipedia) [to own] [to be] Present I own I am indicative he/she/it owns he/she/it is we/you/they own we/you/they are Present I own I be subjunctive he/she/it own he/she/it be we/you/they own we/you/they be Past I owned I was indicative he/she/it owned he/she/it was we/you/they owned we/you/they ware Past I owned I were subjunctive he/she/it owned he/she/it were we/you/they owned we/you/they were Future I will/shall own I will/shall be indicative he/she/it will own he/she/it will be we/you/they will/shall own we/you/they will be Future I were to own I were to be subjunctive he/she/it were to own he/she/it were to be we/you/they were to own we/you/they were to be -----------------可以跳過----------------- 所以題目中的take不需用takes 但我沒看到書上說這些動詞不允許用一般的that clause形式,也就是你寫的這個問題 不過我也沒看過說可以用的說法就是了,另外會有文法的題目將 -s 的選項視作錯的 補充一下,後面也不能 + somebody to do something,不像ask, tell 好像文法中也常考這個規則,但我也沒在書上看到為什麼不能用 另外suggestion/proposal/recommendation important/vital/necessary/essential/desirable/imperative 後面也可以用that (should) infinitive的形式 例:What do you think of Jane's suggestion that I should buy a car? It's essential that you should be here on time. : 2. Historians are still mystified by the question how some ancient : civiliztions disappeared suddenly in history. : 第一行中的how為何不能使用why 這題是選項一個用how開頭,另一個用why起始嗎? 我自己是覺得這個的句子將how改成why意思僅改變一些 而且不管那些historians問how~或why~,簡單回答起來都差不多 : 3. __________, the cell bodies that control the heredity of an animal or : a plant. : (A) DNA is the chief material in chromosomes : (B) The chief material in chromosomes is DNA : (C) In chromosomes DNA is the chief material : (D) In chromosomes the chief material is DNA : 正確答案是A 想請問其他選項為何不行 這題除了問英文用法,也是考科學的想法吧 XD 就comma後面的敘述你覺得是指chromosome還是DNA 選擇那一個就將那個字放在comma前面 這個用法和平常說的同位語、關係代名詞的restrictive clause都是用來做為補充說明 會將要說明的該對象置於comma前 另外如果你能接受後面那個是指DNA的話,也就是將DNA放在comma前面 那(B)和(D)都可以了,但單複數需修正,而要用(C)的話,可以改成 In chromosomes DNA is the chief material that controls the heredity of ... 但就意思上到底是chromosome對,還是DNA,我覺得爭這個是沒多大意義就是了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dunchee:->4 ... (特別是後面的Note the difference between ...) 03/01 21:18
dunchee:另外Michael Swan的"Practical English Usage"也有這方面 03/01 21:20
dunchee:的解說(含那個"should"比較是屬於英式寫法會加的。美式的 03/01 21:21
dunchee:通常不加) 03/01 21:21
scream7:ㄚ...我該多讀點書了(低頭) 閣下說的才對 (=0=|||) 03/01 22:36