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※ 引述《m13m13m (奇怪 還沒收到??)》之銘言: : 提問: : The following three words owns the same meaning of "awareness". : Three words: : perception : consciousness : awareness : But what's the difference? : Do we usually prefer to use specific words in some conditinos? : If it does, then what's that? : Thank you, guys. The word "perception" makes me think of my sensory organs, such as my nose, my tongue, my eyes and hands, through which I can smell, taste, see, and touch. These organs help me perceive the physical world and they allow me to become aware of my surroundings. When I am conscious, my perceptions are clear, because I can smell/tastes better then when I am not. The word unconscious can describe a boxer or a person who is very drunk, or a person who is in a coma. For example, The boxer is knocked out unconscious and he needs to be taken to the hospital immediately. OR After the surgery I was in a coma and I was unconscious for two days. That's why I was not aware of your visit. ===== The level of your question is probably a little beyond what most of us here are used to. You may also try posting your questions on this site: http://www.italki.com Typically, you should get responses within an hour or two. Hope that helps :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: