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※ 引述《ediss ()》之銘言: : 請教各位大大畫底線的地方該作何解釋呢? : Awkward compromises are the order of the day : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : in financial reform, however. A bigger example : is the mega-bill that is currently grinding : its way through the Senate. Having already : seen its cherished consumer financial-protection : agency come under fire, the White House now : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : reportedly faces the prospect that its proposed : ban on proprietary trading (the "Volcker rule") : will be watered down, too. Short-sellers are not : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : the only ones who are getting squeezed. : 是固定用法嗎? 還是隱喻手法? : 謝謝各位高手~~ "the order of the day" = "the way things are" "come under fire" = "to be attacked by criticisms" "to water down"="to 灌水" see http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/phrasal-verbs/water+down.html and http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/order+of+the+day hope it help ^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: