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※ 引述《rosemary0401 (rosemary0401)》之銘言: : Like other businessmanes _______ breaking child labor laws, Sears and Wagner's : have tried to downplay the seriousness of their offenses. : (A) catching : (B) caught : (C) to catch : (D) to be caught : 答案是(B) : 為什麼是 (B) 呢?? : 為什麼不選 (D) 呢?? : 這句是怎麼簡化而來的呢?? : 謝謝 Some businessmen were caught. -> Some businessmen were caught (breaking laws). -> Some businessmen were caught breaking (labor) laws. -> Some businesses were caught breaking (child) labor laws. [1] ======= They tried to downplay the seriousness of their offenses. -> Some businessmen have tried to downplay the seriousness of their offenses. [2] ======= Some businessmen have tried to downplay the seriousness of their offenses. -> Some businessmen (caught breaking child labor laws) have tried to downplay the seriousness of their offenses. [by 1 and 2] ======= OTHER businessmen caught breaking child labor laws have tried to downplay the seriousness of their offenses. [3] Sears and Wagner caught breaking child labor laws have tried to downplay the seriousness of their offenses TOO. [4] Combine [3] and [4], we get: Like other businesses caught breaking child labor laws, Sears and Wagner's have tried to downplay the seriousness of their offenses. Hope that's clear ^^ cheers -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: